共找到 150 條與 對比試樣 相關的標準,共 10 頁
Steel tubes.Measurement method of standard artificial defect for flaw detection
Die casting and size measurement method of artificial defects on the reference sample pipes
本標準規定了鋯管探傷用對比試樣人工缺陷(人工槽/通孔)尺寸的復型及顯微測量方法。 本標準適用于鋯管超聲、渦流等無損探檢測對比試樣上人工槽/通孔尺寸的測量。 其他金屬對比試樣中的類似人工缺陷尺寸的測量也可參照執行
Test method for artificial defect sizes of zirconium tube flaw detection comparison samples
本標準規定了在腐蝕性環境中金屬及合金腐蝕試樣上形成的腐蝕產物的清除方法。 按本標準所規定的方法,可去除所有腐蝕產物,而基本上不損害金屬基體,可精確測定金屬在腐蝕性環境中產生的質量損失。 本標準適用于金屬和合金,某些情況下也適用于金屬涂層,但應考慮可能對基體產生的影響
Corrosion of metals and alloys.Removal of corrosion products from corrosion test specimens
本標準規定了金屬及合金的腐蝕試樣,在腐蝕性環境中形成腐蝕產物的清除操作方法。在此標準中所用術語“金屬”代表金屬與合金。 按本標準所規定的方法,可去除所有腐蝕產物,而基本上不損害金屬基體,則有可能精確測定金屬在腐蝕性環境中產生的質量損失。 某些情況下,這些方法也可用于金屬涂層,但
Corrosion of metals and alloys--Removal of corrosion products from corrosion test specimens
Determination of relative hue of near white specimens
Determination of relative hue of near white specimens
This part of BS 2634 specifies the characteristics of roughness comparison specimens of turned, ground, bored, milled, shaped and planed surfaces
Roughness comparison specimens. Part 1: Specification for turned, ground, bored, milled, shaped and planed specimens
Characteristics of specimens intended for tactile and visual comparison with workpieces of similar lay, produced by similar machining methods
Roughness comparison specimens. Specification for turned, ground, bored, milled, shaped and planed specimens
Determination of relative hue of near white specimensDétermination de nuan?age relatif d'échantillons presque blancs
Determination of relative hue of near white specimens
Includes, in separate sections, general requirements for all specimens, specific requirements for turned, ground, bored, milled, shaped or planed
Surface roughness comparison specimens
- Scopo della presente norma è fissare il procedimento di calcolo ed il criterio di valutazione da adottare per provare se due dispersioni
Quality inspection. Consumption comparison between two samples (comparison of two changes)
Roughness camparison specimens — Gast surfaces
This Part of BS 1881 describes the method for curing concrete cubes so that they follow the concrete temperature at a pre-selected position
Testing concrete - Method for temperature-matched curing of concrete specimens
This part of BS 1881 describes the method for curing concrete cubes or cylinders so that they follow the concrete temperature at a pre-selected
Testing concrete.Part 130:Method for temperature-matched curing of concrete specimens
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