
共找到 150 條與 常溫摩擦系數 相關的標準,共 10

Draft Document - Paper and board - Determination of the static and kinetic coefficients of friction - Horizontal plane method (ISO 15359:1999); Text in German and English

This SAE Recommended Practice is intended to provide a uniform means of identification which may be used to classify the friction coefficient of brake

Friction Coefficient Identification System for Brake Linings

Textile supports coated with rubber or plastic - Determination of static and dynamic friction coefficients

Road vehicles - Brake lining friction materials - Friction behaviour assessment for automotive brake systems

Methods for sampling and testing aggregates - Pendulum friction test

Plastics. Method for determination of friction coefficient

La presente norma è la versione ufficiale in lingua inglese della norma europea EN ISO 21182 (edizione febbraio 2013). La norma specifica i

Light conveyor belts - Determination of the coefficient of friction

The friction conditions in the mesh of worm gear drives have big influence on the efficiency of worm gears. Because the friction conditions of worm

Local Coefficients of Friction in Worm Gear Contacts


Determination of coefficients of friction for mechanical fasteners

Measurements of frictional properties may be made on a film or sheeting specimen when sliding over itself or over another substance

Standard Test Method for Static and Kinetic Coefficients of Friction of Plastic Film and Sheeting

本標準規定了鐵道貨車用高摩擦系數合成閘瓦的技術要求、試驗方法、檢驗規則和標志、包裝、運輸與貯存等要求。 本標準適用于運行速度低于或等于120km/h的鐵路貨車用高摩擦系數合成閘瓦(以下簡稱高摩合成閘瓦)。 注:高康合成閘瓦為專用閘瓦.應使用專用鋼背高靡合成閘瓦不得與通用閘瓦(中確鑄鐵閘瓦、離

Synthetic Brake Shoe with High Friction Coefficient for Freight Cars

Descrive le modalita' operative per determinare il coefficiente di attrito statico di una carta

Paper. Determination of coefficient of static friction (inclined plane method).

Road vehicles -- Brake lining friction materials -- Friction behaviour assessment for automotive brake systems

1.1 This test procedure provides a method of determining the frictional torque and friction factor of artificial hip joint bearings used in total hip

Standard Test Method for Determination of Frictional Torque and Friction Factor for Hip Replacement Bearings under Standard Conditions Using a Reciprocal Friction Simulator

Local Coefficients of Friction in Worm Gear Contacts

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