共找到 150 條與 空白試驗 相關的標準,共 10 頁
Method of Determination for Zinc in Magnesium Alloys
本標準規定了工業疊氮化鈉的要求,試驗方法,標志、包裝,運輸、貯存和安全。 本標準適用于工業疊氮化鈉,該產品主要用作汽車安全氣囊氣體發生劑、起爆藥、照相藥劑、合成樹脂發泡劑,也用于農藥等
Sodium azide for industrial use
Gravimetric method for determination of solid pollution of working fluid in aerospace hydraulic pollution control
Iron and steel-Methods for determination of Carbon content
Method for Determination of Nitrogen of Coal and Coke (Kjeloahl Method)
本標準適用于橡膠硫化促進劑 CBS(N–環己基–2–苯塞唑亞磺酰胺
Rubber Vulcanization Accelerator CBS (N-cyclo Hexyl-2-benzothiazyl Sulfenamide)
Methods of Test for Epoxy Equivalent of Epoxy Resins
本標準規定 CNS 13504 〔鎂錠〕 所規定之化學成分 (銅、硅、鐵、錳、鋁、鋅、鎳)分析法
Methods of Chemical Analysis for Magnesium Metal
本標準規定油漆與干漆膜中含砷量在 0.5% 以下之測定法
Method of Test for Arsenic in Paints
Methods for determination of cadmium in copper and copper alloys
Methods for determination of lead in copper and copper alloys
Methods for determination of sulfur in copper and copper alloys
Methods for determination of lead in copper and copper alloys
Methods of Test for Carbon in Nickel Materials for Electron Tubes
Method of Test for Acid Value,Saponification Value,Ester Value,Iodine Value,Hydroxyl Value and Unsaponificable Matter of Chemical Products
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