共找到 150 條與 自粘性膠帶 相關的標準,共 10 頁
Zpracovatel normy: V?zkumn? ústav obalové techniky, Praha Odpovědn? pracovník: Bohuslav Yajgent Pracovník ??adu pro normalizaci a mě?ení: ing. Luděk
Tests of adhesive and self-adhesive tapes in complicated climatic conditions
Zpracovatel: Institut manipula?ních, dopravních, obalov?ch a skladovacích systém?, Praha — Ing. Luke?ová, B. Vajgent Pracovník O?adu pro normalizaci
Testlng of self-adhesive tapes in the field of packaging
Self adhesive tapes. Flagging of adhesive tape.
Evaluation of sealant adhesion Strip peeling method
Zpracovatel a oborové normaliza?ní st?edisko: IMADOS — Institut manipula?ních, dopravních, obalov?ch a skladovacích systém? s. p., Praha, ICO 1597
Self-adhesives packaging tapes. Ter- minology
This standard specifies a method to measure the ability of adhesive tape to adhere to a surface, with the application of a very light pressure
Self adhesive tapes - Measurement of quick stick
This standard specifies a method to observe the bonding of a thermosetting adhesive tape in a hot atmosphere
Self-adhesive tapes - Measurement of bonding of thermosetting adhesive tapes after curing
This standard specifies a method to measure flagging which may occur under specified conditions. Knowledge of the flagging is useful in determining
Self-adhesive tapes - Flagging of adhesive tape
This standard specifies a method to observe the bonding of a thermosetting adhesive tape during the thermosetting process. The temperature
Self-adhesive tapes - Measurement of bonding of thermosetting adhesive tapes during curing
Single-Faced and Single-Wall Corrugated Fibreboard - Determination of Flat Crush Resistance
This standard specifies a method to measure flagging which may occur under specified conditions. Knowledge of flagging is useful in determining
Self adhesive tapes - Flagging of adhesive tape
This standard specifies a method to give information regarding the resistance of the adhesive masking tape to paint solvents
Self-adhesive tapes - Solvent penetration into adhesive masking tapes
Classification of pressure sensitive adhesive products
This standard specifies a method to observe the bonding of a thermosetting adhesive tape in a hot atmosphere
Self adhesive tapes - Measurement of bonding of thermosetting adhesive tapes after curing
Self-adhesive tapes - Solvent penetration into adhesive masking tapes
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