
共找到 150 條與 自粘性膠帶 相關的標準,共 10

Self adhesive tapes. Measurement of tear resistance by the pendulum method.

Sleeve@ Threadless Coupling - Fixed Cavity Ferrule Type

Self adhesive tapes - Measurement of bonding of thermosetting adhesive tapes during curing; German version EN 12032:1996

本標準規定了自粘聚合物改性瀝青防水卷材(簡稱自粘卷材)的分類、要求、試驗方法、檢驗規則、標志、包裝、運輸與貯存。 本標準適用于以自粘聚合物改性瀝青為基料,非外露使用的無胎基或采用聚酯胎基增強的本體自粘防水卷材。 本標準不適用于僅表面覆以自粘層的聚合物改性瀝青防水卷材

Self-adhering polymer modified bituminous waterproof sheet

Self-adhesive tapes - Measuring resistance to high temperature and humidity

Self-adhesive thermosetting insulating tapes Part 3

4.3 物理力學性能 4.3.1  N類卷材物理力學性能應符合表3規定。 4.3.2  PY類卷材物理力學性能應符合表4規定。 表3  N類卷材物理力學性能 序號 項目 指    

High-performance self-adhesive polymer modified bitumen waterproof membrane

本標準規定了膠粘劑自流平特性測定的試驗方法。 本標準適用于膠粘劑自流平性能的測定

Determination of self-levelling properties of adhesive

This standard specifies a method to observe the bonding of a thermosetting adhesive tape during the thermosetting process. The temperature

Self-adhesive tapes - Measurement of bonding of thermosetting adhesive tapes during curing

This standard specifies a method to observe the bonding of a thermosetting adhesive tape during the thermosetting process. The temperature

Self-adhesive tapes - Measurement of bonding of thermosetting adhesive tapes during curing

Zpracovatel: Institut manipula?ních, dopravních, obalov?ch a skladovacích systém?, Praha — Ing. Luke?ová, B. Vajgent Pracovník O?adu pro normalizaci

Testlng of self-adhesive tapes in the field of packaging

La presente norma e' la versione in lingua italiana della norma europea EN 12029 (edizione maggio 1996). La norma descrive un metodo per fornire

Self adhesive tapes - Determination of the water-soluble corrisive ions.

表1 N 類單位面積質量、厚度 厚度規格/mm 1.2 1.5 2.0 上表面材料 PE、 PET、 D PE、 PET、 D PE、 PET、 D

Self-adhesive polymer modified bitumen waterproof membrane

This standard specifies the method to measure the force required to tear certain types of adhesive tapes under standard test conditions. Details

Self adhesive tape - Measurement of tear resistance by the pendulum

Self-adhesive tapes - Measurement of bonding of thermosetting adhesive tapes during curing

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