共找到 150 條與 co的用途 相關的標準,共 10 頁
Colours for specific purposes
B-l Esta norma establece las dimensiones y características do la pinza destinada a usos generales, excluido el uso eléctrico
Common uses of tweezers
Colours for specific purposes
GB 4706.1—1998中的該章用下述內容代替: 本部分涉及非專供家庭使用的商用電平鍋的安全。對于連接一條相線和中線的單相器具,其額定電壓不超過250 V,其他器具不超過480 V。 注1:這些器具用于如餐館、食品店、醫院的廚房和諸如面包房、肉食店之類的商業企業。 利用其他能源
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances Particular requirements for commercial electric multi-purpose cooking pans
Acetic acid for analytical purposes
Aerospace series. Cobalt base alloy CO-B41601(CoCr19Ni17Si8W4). Filler metal for brazing. Powder or paste
Solid wires for CO2 gas shielded arc welding for atmospheric corrosion resisting steel
This Test report format presents, in a standardized format, the results of the various tests and examinations to which a type of a gas analytical
Instruments for the continuous measurement of CO and NOx in stationary source emissions - Part 3: Test report format
This standard specifies the requirements relating to: Heat resisting alloy CO-WH4001 (CoCr29W9
Aerospace series - Heat resisting alloy CO-WH4001 (CoCr29W9) - Filler metal for welding; Wire and rod
La presente norma especifica la presión y características del nitrógeno, comprimido en los equipos lubrificados por aceite, para su uso en las
Nitrogen for aerospace applications
Diese Norm umfa?t Stahlgu?sorten mit bestimmten bei Raumtemperatur gew?hrleisteten Eigenschaften. Die Gu?stücke werden vorwiegend zwischen -10°C und
Cast steel for general purposes
1.1 This practice covers recommended procedures for the use of dosimeters, such as thermoluminescent dosimeters (TLD’s), to determine the absorbed
Standard Practice for Minimizing Dosimetry Errors in Radiation Hardness Testing of Silicon Electronic Devices Using Co-60 Sources
GB 4706.1-2005的該章用下述內容代替。 GB 4706的本部分涉及非專供家庭使用的商用多用途電平鍋的安全。對于連接于相線和中線之間的單相器具,其額定電壓不超過250V,其他器具不超過480V。 利用其他能源形式的器具,其電氣部分也在本部分范圍之內。 本部分涉及這類器具所引起的常見
Household and similar electrical appliances.Safety.Particular requirements for commercial electric multi-purpose cooking pans
B-l Esta norna establece las características y dinonsionos do las nazas utilizadas on aplicaciones diversas
Common uses of maces
Colours for specific purposes
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