產地類別:進口 | 供應商性質:生產商 |
優化的堿化步驟可節省高達 30% 的試劑
由于自動蒸餾 AutoDist 功能,測量不受設備內溫差的影響。該功能可識別冷凝過程的開始,并可在單獨的測量中自動調整蒸餾開始時間。這通過冷凝容器內的內置溫度傳感器實現,并使結果的可重現性更佳。
冷卻水控制通過智能流量限制自動節水。蒸汽蒸餾開始后,水開始流經冷凝器并收集餾出液。蒸餾前后,裝置會自動關閉冷卻水閥。此功能可在測定過程中節省大約 20% 的水,并消除對供水的擔憂。
得益于創新的傳感器技術,凱氏定氮產品系列儀器可將用戶接觸到的風險降至最低限度。安全傳感器監控冷卻水流量、蒸汽發生器壓力以及樣品管是否正確放置。水箱液位傳感器可檢測水、廢液和試劑液位。安全屏障完全透明,并配備安全控制傳感器。如果在操作過程中打開安全屏障,該過程將自動停止。蒸汽動力可調節 (10 – 100%),蒸汽梯度可編程設定以處理發泡樣品。
在實驗室中,電源電壓的偏差可能高達原始值的 10%。這可能會影響蒸 汽動力輸出。為了避免這些偏差,集成了穩壓器以維持所需的電源電 壓。這提高了測量準確度并確保每個結果的最高重現性。
For more convenience and easier sample handling, we offer configurations with sample tube and receiver waste aspiration. This saves time and allows for smooth operation of the instrument.
Automated titration is key to achieving the highest performance possible in Kjeldahl protein determination. Titration dosage, as well as endpoint recognition via suitable electrodes, is carried out automatically. This allows for minimum user interaction and high throughput at the same time.
The OnLevel sensor is available for all configurations where no titration vessel is mounted. The sensor stops the distillation automatically after a defined condensate volume is reached. The sensor can be easily set and adjusted manually via a magnetic backplate. Obtain reproducible condensate volumes independent of the system lifetime.
The reaction detection sensor is available for MultiKjel configurations. It can save up to 30 % of NaOH reagent solution for the alkalization process so that you can work more cost-efficiently and environmentally friendly.
The intuitive touch screen provides fast feedback and enables easy process handling
Glass and plastic splash protectors are available. Glass splash protectors enable you to monitor the process to support method development and optimization. Plastic splash protectors are more robust and durable. Depending on the application, different splash protector variants enable the best performance
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