產地類別:進口 | 供應商性質:生產商 |
For more convenience and easier sample handling, we offer configurations with sample tube and receiver waste aspiration. This saves time and allows for smooth operation of the instrument.
Automated titration is key to achieving the highest performance possible in Kjeldahl protein determination. Titration dosage, as well as endpoint recognition via suitable electrodes, is carried out automatically. This allows for minimum user interaction and high throughput at the same time.
The OnLevel sensor is available for all configurations where no titration vessel is mounted. The sensor stops the distillation automatically after a defined condensate volume is reached. The sensor can be easily set and adjusted manually via a magnetic backplate. Obtain reproducible condensate volumes independent of the system lifetime.
The reaction detection sensor is available for MultiKjel configurations. It can save up to 30 % of NaOH reagent solution for the alkalization process so that you can work more cost-efficiently and environmentally friendly.
The intuitive touch screen provides fast feedback and enables easy process handling
Glass and plastic splash protectors are available. Glass splash protectors enable you to monitor the process to support method development and optimization. Plastic splash protectors are more robust and durable. Depending on the application, different splash protector variants enable the best performance
自動識別蒸餾起點以獲得完美的重現性 自動識別蒸餾終點以獲得最高準確度 使用連接的滴定儀進行自動滴定,最大限度地減少用戶影響最大限度地提高準確度和性能
優化的堿化步驟可節省高達 30% 的試劑
BUCHI 蒸汽蒸餾儀 Kjel Line可按需升級,以最便利的方式自動執行分析由步琦實驗室設備貿易(上海)有限公司為您提供,如您想了解更多關于BUCHI 蒸汽蒸餾儀 Kjel Line可按需升級,以最便利的方式自動執行分析 報價、型號、參數等信息,歡迎來電或留言咨詢。