






protein bars

protein bars, Total:261 items.

In the international standard classification, protein bars involves: Meat, meat products and other animal produce, Protection against fire, Textile fibres, Products of the textile industry, Milk and milk products, Analytical chemistry, Protection against crime, Office machines, Biology. Botany. Zoology, Food products in general, Organic chemicals, Cereals, pulses and derived products, Animal feeding stuffs, Beverages, Edible oils and fats. Oilseeds, Laboratory medicine, Microbiology, Processes in the food industry, Medical equipment, Spices and condiments. Food additives, Sugar. Sugar products. Starch, Products of the chemical industry, Construction materials, Glass.

RU-GOST R, protein bars

Professional Standard - Public Safety Standards, protein bars

  • GA 765-2008 Detection method of human hemoglobin.Rapid test strip
  • GA 476-2004 Rapid test strips for human hemoglobin
  • GA/T 765-2020 Human hemoglobin detection gold standard reagent strip method
  • GA/T 52-1993 Protein foam fire extinguishing agent and fluoroprotein foam fire extinguishing agent quality classification

Professional Standard - Ministry of Public Security Logo, protein bars

  • GN 13-1982 Technical conditions of protein foam fire extinguishing agent and fluoroprotein foam fire extinguishing agent
  • GN 14-1982 Test methods for protein foam fire extinguishing agents and fluoroprotein foam fire extinguishing agents

Professional Standard - Textile, protein bars

Group Standards of the People's Republic of China, protein bars

Japanese Industrial Standards Committee (JISC), protein bars

German Institute for Standardization, protein bars

  • DIN 10464:1994-08 Determination of casein content, casein and whey protein contents in total protein of milk and milk products - Casein-phosphorus method
  • DIN ISO 5544:2020 Caseins - Determination of \
  • DIN 10464:1994 Determination of casein content, casein and whey protein contents in total protein of milk and milk products - Casein-phosphorus method
  • DIN 10472:1996 Determination of casein and whey protein contents of milk and milk products - Electrophoretic method
  • DIN 10470:2011-07 Milk and milk products - Determination of whey protein content and casein content in total protein - Derivative spectroscopic method
  • DIN ISO 5546 E:2020-08 Caseins and caseinates - Determination of pH (Reference method)
  • DIN ISO 5546:2020-12 Caseins and caseinates - Determination of pH (Reference method) (ISO 5546:2010)
  • DIN 10470:2011 Milk and milk products - Determination of whey protein content and casein content in total protein - Derivative spectroscopic method
  • DIN EN ISO 21415-4:2007 Wheat and wheat flour - Gluten content - Part 4: Determination of dry gluten from wet gluten by a rapid drying method (ISO 21415-4:2006); German version EN ISO 21415-4:2007
  • DIN 10470:1999 Determination of whey protein content and casein content in total protein of milk and milk products - Derivative spectroscopic method
  • DIN ISO 5550 E:2020-06 Caseins and caseinates - Determination of moisture content (Reference method)
  • DIN ISO 5550:2020-12 Caseins and caseinates - Determination of moisture content (Reference method) (ISO 5550:2006)
  • DIN ISO 5545:2020-12 Rennet caseins and caseinates - Determination of ash (Reference method) (ISO 5545:2008)
  • DIN 10466:2001-09 Determination of whey protein content in total protein of milk and milk products - Polarographic method
  • DIN ISO 5545 E:2020-06 Rennet caseins and caseinates - Determination of ash (Reference method)

SCC, protein bars

  • BS 3985:1978 Specification for cyanmethaemoglobin (haemiglobincyanide) solution for photometric haemoglobinometry
  • BS 6248-10:1986 Caseins and caseinates-Method for determination of fat (gravimetric reference method)
  • BS 6248-9:1984 Caseins and caseinates-Method for the determination of scorched particles
  • DIN 10470 E:2010 Draft Document - Milk and milk products - Determination of whey protein content and casein content in total protein - Derivative spectroscopic method

CZ-CSN, protein bars

GSO, protein bars

Korean Agency for Technology and Standards (KATS), protein bars

International Organization for Standardization (ISO), protein bars

  • ISO 5549:1978 Caseins and caseinates; Determination of protein content (Reference method)
  • ISO 5546:1979 Caseins and caseinates; Determination of pH (Reference method)
  • ISO 5546:2010 | IDF 115:2010 Caseins and caseinates — Determination of pH (Reference method)
  • ISO 5546:2010|IDF 115:2010 Determination of pH value of casein and caseinate (standard method)
  • ISO 5550:2006|IDF 78:2006 Caseins and caseinates — Determination of moisture content (Reference method)
  • ISO 5546:2010 Caseins and caseinates - Determination of pH (Reference method)
  • ISO 5739:1983 Caseins and caseinates; Determination of scorched particles content
  • ISO 5550:2006 Caseins and caseinates - Determination of moisture content (Reference method)
  • ISO 5548:2004 Caseins and caseinates - Determination of lactose content - Photometric method
  • ISO 5548:2004|IDF 106:2004 Caseins and caseinates — Determination of lactose content — Photometric method
  • ISO 5548:2004 | IDF 106:2004 Caseins and caseinates — Determination of lactose content — Photometric method
  • ISO 5545:2008|IDF 90:2008 Determination of abomasal casein and caseinate ash (reference method)
  • ISO 5550:2006 | IDF 78:2006 Caseins and caseinates — Determination of moisture content (Reference method)
  • ISO 5545:2008 Rennet caseins and caseinates - Determination of ash (Reference method)
  • ISO 5548:1980 Caseins and caseinates; Determination of lactose content; Photometric method
  • ISO 5550:1978 Caseins and caseinates; Determination of water content (Reference method)
  • ISO 21415-2:2015 Wheat and wheat flour - Gluten content - Part 2: Determination of wet gluten and gluten index by mechanical means
  • ISO 5739:2003 Caseins and caseinates - Determination of contents of scorched particles and of extraneous matter
  • ISO 5545:2008 | IDF 90:2008 Rennet caseins and caseinates — Determination of ash (Reference method)

KR-KS, protein bars

  • KS H ISO 5549-2021 Caseins and caseinates — Determination of protein content(Reference method)
  • KS H ISO 5739-2021 Caseins and caseinates — Determination of scorched particles content
  • KS H ISO 5546-2021 Caseins and caseinates — Determination of pH(Reference method)
  • KS H ISO 5548-2020 Caseins and caseinates-Determination of lactose content-Photometric method
  • KS H ISO 5545-2021 Rennet caseins and caseinates —Determination of ash(Reference method)

Professional Standard - Medicine, protein bars

SAE - SAE International, protein bars

Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE), protein bars

Taiwan Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, protein bars

AT-ON, protein bars

衛生健康委員會, protein bars

  • WS/T 404.9-2018 Reference intervals for commonly used clinical biochemical test items Part 9: Serum C-reactive protein, prealbumin, transferrin, β2-microglobulin

Lithuanian Standards Office , protein bars

  • LST ISO 5549:2001 Caseins and caseinates. Determination of protein content (Reference method) (identical ISO 5549:1978)

General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People‘s Republic of China, protein bars

Henan Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, protein bars

RO-ASRO, protein bars

  • STAS 21/6-1973 OILSEED RESIDUES Determination of protein of protein brut content
  • STAS 2213/17-1976 SWEETS Determination of total proteinic content and milk proteinic substance content

HU-MSZT, protein bars

Professional Standard - Agriculture, protein bars

British Standards Institution (BSI), protein bars

  • BS EN ISO 21415-4:2007 Wheat and wheat flour - Gluten content - Determination of dry gluten from wet gluten by a rapid drying method
  • BS EN ISO 21415-3:2007 Wheat and wheat flour - Gluten content - Determination of dry gluten from wet gluten by an oven drying method
  • BS 3985:2003(2008) Haemiglobincyanide (cyanmethaemoglobin) preparation as a standard for spectrometric haemoglobinometry
  • BS ISO 5546:2010 Caseins and caseinates - Determination of pH (Reference method)
  • BS ISO 5550:2006 Caseins and caseinates - Determination of moisture content (Reference method)
  • BS ISO 5548:2004 Caseins and caseinates - Determination of lactose content - Photometric methods
  • BS EN ISO 21415-1:2007 Wheat and wheat flour - Gluten content - Determination of wet gluten by a manual method
  • BS ISO 5545:2008 Rennet caseins and caseinates - Determination of ash (Reference method)
  • BS ISO 5739:2003 Caseins and caseinates - Determination of contents of scorched particles and of extraneous matter
  • BS 3985:2003 Haemiglobincyanide (cyanmethaemoglobin) preparation as a standard for spectrometric haemoglobinometry

中華人民共和國國家質量監督檢驗檢疫總局、中國國家標準化管理委員會, protein bars

Professional Standard - Education, protein bars

  • JY 66-1981 Technical Specifications for Protein Secondary Structure Models (Trial)

Jilin Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, protein bars

  • DB22/T 294-2020 Method for identification of adulteration of crude protein in corn gluten meal

Shandong Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, protein bars

Spanish Association for Standardization (UNE), protein bars


Hubei Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, protein bars

Standard Association of Australia (SAA), protein bars

  • AS N60:1970 Methods for the sampling and analysis of acid and rennet caseins
  • AS 2300.10.3 SUPP 2:1991 Caseins, caseinates and coprecipitates - Assessment of colour of caseins, Part 10.3: Colour standards for untreated rennet casein (Supplement to AS 2300.10.3-1991)
  • AS 2300.10.3 SUPP 1:1991 Caseins, caseinates and coprecipitates - Assessment of colour of caseins, Part 10.3: Colour standards for untreated and heat-treated acid casein and for wet-heat-treated rennet casein (Supplement to AS 2300.10.3-1991)
  • AS K79:1941 Joiners' glue (Casein glue)
  • AS 1871.9:1976 List of methods for examination of waters Nitrogen (albuminoid)

Association Francaise de Normalisation, protein bars

國家藥監局, protein bars

Professional Standard - Light Industry, protein bars

Professional Standard - Business, protein bars

Professional Standard - Supply and Marketing Cooperative, protein bars

PL-PKN, protein bars

International Dairy Federation (IDF), protein bars

  • IDF 90-2008 Rennet caseins and caseinates - Determination of ash (Reference method)
  • IDF 78-2006 Caseins and caseinates. Determination of moisture content (Reference method)

VN-TCVN, protein bars

  • TCVN 7871-3-2008 Wheat and wheat flour.Gluten content.Part 3: Determination of dry gluten from wet gluten by an oven drying method
  • TCVN 7871-4-2008 Wheat and wheat ftour.Gluten content.Part 4: Determination of dry gluten from wet gluten by a rapid drying method

Professional Standard - Hygiene , protein bars

  • WS/T 404.2-2012 Reference intervals for common clinical biochemistry tests.Part 2:Serum total protein and albumin
  • WS/T 121-1999 Guidelines for the immuno-turbidimetric determination of serum apolipoprotein A 1 and apolipoprotein B

(U.S.) Ford Automotive Standards, protein bars

IN-BIS, protein bars

ZA-SANS, protein bars

Indonesia Standards, protein bars

海關總署, protein bars

  • SN/T 5422-2022 Qualitative analysis of imported and exported textile fibers Regenerated protein composite fiber (soy protein composite fiber, milk protein composite fiber)

國家藥品監督管理局, protein bars

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