DEAnalytical standard purity
Analytical standard purity, Total:66 items.
In the international standard classification, Analytical standard purity involves: Analytical chemistry, Construction materials, Products of the chemical industry, Farming and forestry, Non-ferrous metals, Inorganic chemicals, Testing of metals, Fuels, Raw materials for rubber and plastics, Electronic components in general, Semiconducting materials, Products of non-ferrous metals, Refractories, Organic chemicals, Cargo equipment, Lubricants, industrial oils and related products, Nuclear energy engineering, Ferrous metals.
Professional Standard - Aerospace, Analytical standard purity
- QJ 2838.1-1996 Methylhydrazine purity and moisture analysis method Methylhydrazine purity analysis method (potassium iodate method)
- QJ 2838.2-1996 Methylhydrazine Purity and Moisture Analysis Method Methylhydrazine Moisture Gas Chromatography Analysis Method (External Standard Method)
SCC, Analytical standard purity
KR-KS, Analytical standard purity
British Standards Institution (BSI), Analytical standard purity
Korean Agency for Technology and Standards (KATS), Analytical standard purity
GSO, Analytical standard purity
- GSO ISO 19229:2021 Gas analysis — Purity analysis and the treatment of purity data
- BH GSO ISO 19229:2022 Gas analysis — Purity analysis and the treatment of purity data
- BH GSO ASTM D2268:2015 Standard method for analysis of high - purity n-Hepane and Isooctane by capillary gas chromatography
- GSO ASTM D2268:2014 Standard method for analysis of high - purity n-Hepane and Isooctane by capillary gas chromatography
- OS GSO ASTM D2268:2014 Standard method for analysis of high - purity n-Hepane and Isooctane by capillary gas chromatography
International Organization for Standardization (ISO), Analytical standard purity
- ISO 19229:2019 Gas analysis — Purity analysis and the treatment of purity data
- ISO 19229:2015 Gas analysis - Purity analysis and the treatment of purity data
Association Francaise de Normalisation, Analytical standard purity
General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People‘s Republic of China, Analytical standard purity
- GB/T 38521-2020 Gas analysis—Purity analysis and the treatment of purity data
ET-QSAE, Analytical standard purity
RU-GOST R, Analytical standard purity
National Metrological Verification Regulations of the People's Republic of China, Analytical standard purity
- JJG 2061-2015 Verification Scheme of Measuring Instruments for Primary Chemical Purity
National Metrological Technical Specifications of the People's Republic of China, Analytical standard purity
- JJF 1961-2022 Metrological Technical Specification for Purity Assessment of Certified Reference Materials—High Purity Metal Certified Reference Materials
- JJF 1855-2020 Metrological Technical Specification for Purity Assessment of Certified Reference Materials—Organic Purity Certified Reference Materials
RO-ASRO, Analytical standard purity
- STAS 4000-1980 ANALYTICAL REAGENTS Preparation of reagents used in analytical chetnistry
American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), Analytical standard purity
- ASTM E359-00 Standard Test Methods for Analysis of Soda Ash (Sodium Carbonate)
- ASTM D7941/D7941M-23 Standard Test Method for Hydrogen Purity Analysis Using a Continuous Wave Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy Analyzer
- ASTM E359-00(2005)e1 Standard Test Methods for Analysis of Soda Ash (Sodium Carbonate)
- ASTM D7941/D7941M-14 Standard Test Method for Hydrogen Purity Analysis Using a Continuous Wave Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy Analyzer
- ASTM D3465-14 Standard Test Method for Purity of Monomeric Plasticizers by Gas Chromatography
- ASTM D3465-00(2007)e1 Standard Test Method for Purity of Monomeric Plasticizers by Gas Chromatography
- ASTM D3465-00 Standard Test Method for Purity of Monomeric Plasticizers by Gas Chromatography
- ASTM F2113-01(2007) Standard Guide for Analysis and Reporting the Impurity Content and Grade of High Purity Metallic Sputtering Targets for Electronic Thin Film Applications
- ASTM F2113-01 Standard Guide for Analysis and Reporting the Impurity Content and Grade of High Purity Metallic Sputtering Targets for Electronic Thin Film Applications
- ASTM D5542-04(2009) Standard Test Methods for Trace Anions in High Purity Water by Ion Chromatography
- ASTM D5713-00 Standard Test Method for Analysis of High Purity Benzene for Cyclohexane Feedstock by Capillary Gas Chromatography
- ASTM D4178-82(2005) Standard Practice for Calibrating Moisture Analyzers
- ASTM C791-83(2000) Standard Test Methods for Chemical, Mass Spectrometric, and Spectrochemical Analysis of Nuclear-Grade Boron Carbide
- ASTM D5713-09 Standard Test Method for Analysis of High Purity Benzene for Cyclohexane Feedstock by Capillary Gas Chromatography
- ASTM D2268-21 Standard Test Method for Analysis of High-Purity n-Heptane and Isooctane by Capillary Gas Chromatography
- ASTM D2268-93(1998) Standard Test Method for Analysis of High-Purity n-Heptane and Isooctane by Capillary Gas Chromatography
- ASTM D5713-05 Standard Test Method for Analysis of High Purity Benzene for Cyclohexane Feedstock by Capillary Gas Chromatography
- ASTM UOP720-93 Impurities in High Purity p-Xylene by GC
Professional Standard - Electron, Analytical standard purity
- SJ 20516-1995 Analytical methoa of the purities for electrodeposited gold coating
Professional Standard - Non-ferrous Metal, Analytical standard purity
- YS/T 935-2013 Standard guide for analysis and reporting the impurity content and grade of high purity metallic sputtering targets for electronic thin film applications
TR-TSE, Analytical standard purity
Universal Oil Products Company?(UOP), Analytical standard purity
- UOP 720-2008 Impurities in, and Purity of, High Purity p-Xylene by GC
CZ-CSN, Analytical standard purity
Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE), Analytical standard purity
未注明發布機構, Analytical standard purity
SAE - SAE International, Analytical standard purity
ES-AENOR, Analytical standard purity
- UNE 74-020-1991 Acoustics. Standard reference zero for the calibration of pure tone air conduction audiometers