






redox peak

redox peak, Total:140 items.

In the international standard classification, redox peak involves: Products of the chemical industry, Printed circuits and boards, Analytical chemistry, Electrical and electronic testing, Powder metallurgy, Power stations in general, Iron and steel products, Metalliferous minerals, Construction materials, Water quality, Soil quality. Pedology, Paint ingredients, Inorganic chemicals, Internal combustion engines, Non-ferrous metals, Production of metals, Internal combustion engines for road vehicles.

German Institute for Standardization, redox peak

  • DIN 19265:2007-04 pH-/redox-measurement - pH-/redox measuring apparatus - Technical requirements
  • DIN 19265:2007 pH-/redox-measurement - pH-/redox measuring apparatus - Technical requirements
  • DIN IEC 60746-5:1996-07 Expression of performance of electrochemical analyzers - Part 5: Oxidation-reduction potential or redox potential (IEC 60746-5:1992)
  • DIN EN ISO 4491-3:2006-06 Metallic powders - Determination of oxygen content by reduction methods - Part 3: Hydrogen-reducible oxygen (ISO 4491-3:1997); German version EN ISO 4491-3:2006
  • DIN 38404-6:1984-05 German standard methods for the examination of water, waste water and sludge; physical and physico-chemical parameters (group C); determination of the oxidation reduction (redox) potential (C 6)
  • DIN EN ISO 4491-4:2019-09 Metallic powders - Determination of oxygen content by reduction methods - Part 4: Total oxygen by reduction-extraction (ISO 4491-4:2019); German version EN ISO 4491-4:2019 / Note: Applies in conjunction with DIN ISO 4491-1 (1990-06).
  • DIN ISO 11271:2003 Soil quality - Determination of redox potential - Field method (ISO 11271:2002)
  • DIN EN ISO 4491-3:2006 Metallic powders - Determination of oxygen content by reduction methods - Part 3: Hydrogen-reducible oxygen (ISO 4491-3:1997); English version of DIN EN ISO 4491-3:2006-06
  • DIN ISO 11271:2022-11 Soil quality - Determination of redox potential - Field method (ISO 11271:2022); Text in German and English / Note: Date of issue 2022-10-14*Intended as replacement for DIN ISO 11271 (2003-03).
  • DIN 38404-6 Berichtigung 1:2018-12 German standard methods for the examination of water, waste water and sludge - Physical and physico-chemical parameters (group C) - Part 6: Determination of the oxidation reduction (redox) potential (C 6); Corrigendum 1
  • DIN 70070:2005-08 Diesel engines - NOx-Reduction agent AUS 32 - Quality requirements

Guangdong Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, redox peak

工業(yè)和信息化部, redox peak

GSO, redox peak

  • BH GSO IEC 60746-5:2016 Expression of performance of electrochemical analyzers - Part 5: Oxidation-reduction potential or redox potential
  • GSO IEC 60746-5:2014 Expression of performance of electrochemical analyzers - Part 5: Oxidation-reduction potential or redox potential
  • OS GSO IEC 60746-5:2014 Expression of performance of electrochemical analyzers - Part 5: Oxidation-reduction potential or redox potential
  • OS GSO ISO 4491-3:2016 Metallic powders -- Determination of oxygen content by reduction methods -- Part 3: Hydrogen-reducible oxygen
  • GSO ISO 4491-3:2016 Metallic powders -- Determination of oxygen content by reduction methods -- Part 3: Hydrogen-reducible oxygen
  • OS GSO ISO 11271:2013 Soil quality - Determination of redox potential - Field method
  • GSO ISO 11950:2021 Cold-reduced tinmill products — Electrolytic chromium/chromium oxide-coated steel

Korean Agency for Technology and Standards (KATS), redox peak

  • KS C IEC 60746-5-2019 Expression of performance of electrochemical analyzers — Part 5: Oxidation-reduction potential or redox potential
  • KS C IEC 60746-5-2014(2019) Expression of performance of electrochemical analyzers — Part 5: Oxidation-reduction potential or redox potential
  • KS D ISO 11950-2013 Cold-reduced electrolytic chromium/chromium oxide-coated steel
  • KS D ISO 11950-2002(2012) Cold-reduced electrolytic chromium/chromium oxide-coated steel
  • KS D ISO 4491-3-2023 Metallic powders - Determination of oxygen content by reduction methods Part 3 : Hydrogen reducible oxygen
  • KS D ISO 4491-3:2008 Metallic powders-Determination of oxygen content by reduction methods-Part 3:Hydrogen reducible oxygen
  • KS D ISO 4491-4-2023 Metallic powders - Determination of oxygen content by reduction methods Part 4 : Total oxygen by reduction-extraction
  • KS D ISO 4491-3-2008(2018) Metallic powders - Determination of oxygen content by reduction methods Part 3 : Hydrogen reducible oxygen
  • KS I ISO 11271-2021 Soil quality-Determination of redox potential-Field method
  • KS I ISO 11271-2016(2021) Soil quality-Determination of redox potential-Field method
  • KS M 5522-1984 Methods for determination of Titanium dioxide pigments (alumin(i)um reduction)
  • KS I ISO 11271:2016 Soil quality-Determination of redox potential-Field method
  • KS I ISO 11271:2006 Soil quality-Determination of redox potential-Field method
  • KS D ISO 4491-4-2003(2018) Metallic powders - Determination of oxygen content by reduction methods Part 4 : Total oxygen by reduction-extraction
  • KS D ISO 4491-4:2003 Metallic powders-Determination of oxygen content by reduction methods-Part 4:Total oxygen by reduction-extraction

IN-BIS, redox peak

  • IS 99-1950 Specification for zinc oxide reduction in ointments for paints
  • IS 12929-1990 Feedstocks (Iron Oxide and Natural Gas) for Gas-Based Direct Reduction Processes - Guidance

SCC, redox peak

  • BS EN 24491-4:1993 Metallic powders. Determination of oxygen content by reduction methods-Total oxygen by reduction-extraction
  • NS-EN 10202:1989 Cold reduced electrolytic chromium/chromium oxide coated steel
  • AWWA ACE59936 Redox Chemistry of Chromium in Drinking Water Systems
  • DANSK DS/EN ISO 4491-3:2006 Metallic powders - Determination of oxygen content by reduction methods - Part 3: Hydrogen-reducible oxygen
  • AWWA WQTC60752 Relationships between Oxidation-Reduction Potential, Oxidant, and pH in Drinking Water
  • BS EN 10202:1990 Specification for cold reduced electrolytic chromium/chromium oxide coated steel
  • AWWA WQTC57137 Oxidant and Redox Potential Effects on the Corrosion of Distribution System Materials
  • NS-EN ISO 4491-3:2006 Metallic powders — Determination of oxygen content by reduction methods — Part 3: Hydrogen-reducible oxygen (ISO 4491-3:1997)
  • DANSK DS/ISO 4491-4:2019 Metallic powders – Determination of oxygen content by reduction methods – Part 4: Total oxygen by reduction-extraction
  • AWWA PATH50801 The Effect of Oxidation-Reduction Potential (ORP) on Drinking Water Disinfection
  • DANSK DS/ISO 11271:2003 Soil quality – Determination of redox potential – Field method
  • AWWA WQTC60658 Advanced Techniques for Bromate Reduction: Pilot Testing Chlorine Dioxide, Chloramination, and MIEX Treatment with Ozonation
  • AWWA ACE62948 Atrazine Degradation through Reductive and Oxidative Transformation by Zerovalent Iron (ZVI)
  • NS 9054:1981 Sodium hydroxide for industrial use — Determination of sulphur compounds — Method by reduction and titrimetry
  • NS-EN ISO 4491-4:2013 Metallic powders — Determination of oxygen content by reduction methods — Part 4: Total oxygen by reduction-extraction (ISO 4491-4:2013)
  • DANSK DS/EN ISO 4491-4:2019 Metallic powders – Determination of oxygen content by reduction methods – Part 4: Total oxygen by reduction-extraction (ISO 4491-4:2019)
  • NS 9047:1981 Sodium hydroxide for industrial use — Determination of silica content — Reduced silico-molybdic complex photometric method
  • NS-EN 24491-4:1993 Metallic powders — Determination of oxygen content by reduction methods — Part 4: Total oxygen by reduction-extraction (ISO 4491-4:1989)
  • NS-EN ISO 4491-4:2019 Metallic powders - Determination of oxygen content by reduction methods - Part 4: Total oxygen by reduction-extraction (ISO 4491-4:2019)
  • BS EN 24491-2:1993 Metallic powders. Determination of oxygen content by reduction methods-Loss of mass on hydrogen reduction (hydrogen loss)

British Standards Institution (BSI), redox peak

  • BS EN ISO 4491-4:2019 Metallic powders. Determination of oxygen content by reduction methods. Total oxygen by reduction-extraction
  • BS EN ISO 4491-3:2006 Metallic powders - Determination of oxygen content by reduction methods - Hydrogen-reducible oxygen
  • BS EN ISO 4491-4:2013 Metallic powders. Determination of oxygen content by reduction methods. Total oxygen by reduction-extraction
  • BS ISO 11271:2022 Soil quality. Determination of redox potential. Field method
  • BS ISO 11271:2002 Soil quality - Determination of redox potential - Field method
  • BS ISO 22241-1:2019+A1:2019 Diesel engines. NOx reduction agent AUS 32 - Quality requirements

VN-TCVN, redox peak

  • TCVN 7594-2006 Soil quality.Determination of redox potential.Field method

Professional Standard - Electricity, redox peak

Association Francaise de Normalisation, redox peak

  • NF EN ISO 4491-3:2006 Metal powders - Determination of oxygen by reduction methods - Part 3: oxygen reducible by hydrogen
  • NF A95-181-3*NF EN ISO 4491-3:2006 Metallic powders - Determination of oxygen content by reduction methods - Part 3 : hydrogen-reducible oxygen
  • NF A95-181-3:1989 Metallic powders. Determination of oxygen content by reduction methods. Part 3 : hydrogen-reductible oxygen.
  • NF T20-272:1968 Chemical analysis of hydrochloric acid. Determination of oxidizing or reducing substances.
  • NF EN ISO 4491-4:2019 Metal powders - Determination of oxygen by reduction methods - Part 4: total oxygen by reduction-extraction
  • NF X31-557*NF ISO 11271:2003 Soil quality - Determination of redox potential - Field method.
  • NF ISO 11271:2003 Soil quality - Determination of redox potential - Field method
  • NF A95-181-4*NF EN ISO 4491-4:2019 Metallic powders - Determination of oxygen content by reduction methods - Part 4 : total oxygen by reduction-extraction

International Organization for Standardization (ISO), redox peak

  • ISO 4696-2:1998 Iron ores - Static test for low-temperature reduction-disintegration - Part 2: Reaction with CO
  • ISO 4491-3:1989 Metallic powders; determination of oxygen content by reduction methods; part 3: hydrogen-reducible oxygen
  • ISO 4491-3:1997 Metallic powders - Determination of oxygen content by reduction methods - Part 3: Hydrogen-reducible oxygen
  • ISO 11271:2022 Soil quality — Determination of redox potential — Field method
  • ISO 11271:2002 Soil quality - Determination of redox potential - Field method
  • ISO 995:1975 Potassium hydroxide for industrial use; Determination of silica content; Reduced molybdosilicate photometric method
  • ISO 4491-4:2013 Metallic powders.Determination of oxygen content by reduction methods.Part 4: Total oxygen by reduction-extraction
  • ISO 4491-4:1989 Metallic powders; determination of oxygen content by reduction methods; part 4: total oxygen by reduction-extraction
  • ISO 4491-4:2019 Metallic powders — Determination of oxygen content by reduction methods — Part 4: Total oxygen by reduction-extraction
  • ISO 984:1974 Sodium hydroxide for industrial use; Determination of silica content; Reduced silico-molybdic complex photometric method
  • ISO 3194:1975 Potassium hydroxide for industrial use; Determination of sulphur compounds; Method by reduction and titrimetry

Danish Standards Foundation, redox peak

  • DS/EN ISO 4491-3:2006 Metallic powders - Determination of oxygen content by reduction methods - Part 3: Hydrogen-reducible oxygen
  • DS/ISO 11271:2004 Soil quality - Determination of redox potential - Field method
  • DS/EN ISO 4491-4:2013 Metallic powders - Determination of oxygen content by reduction methods - Part 4: Total oxygen by reduction-extraction

KR-KS, redox peak

  • KS D ISO 4491-3-2008(2023) Metallic powders - Determination of oxygen content by reduction methods Part 3 : Hydrogen reducible oxygen
  • KS I ISO 11271-2016 Soil quality-Determination of redox potential-Field method
  • KS D ISO 4491-4-2003(2023) Metallic powders - Determination of oxygen content by reduction methods Part 4 : Total oxygen by reduction-extraction

American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), redox peak

  • ASTM D1498-93 Standard Practice for Oxidation-Reduction Potential of Water
  • ASTM D1498-00 Standard Practice for Oxidation-Reduction Potential of Water
  • ASTM D1498-14(2022)e1 Standard Test Method for Oxidation-Reduction Potential of Water
  • ASTM D1498-07 Standard Test Method for Oxidation-Reduction Potential of Water
  • ASTM D1498-14 Standard Test Method for Oxidation-Reduction Potential of Water
  • ASTM D1498-08 Standard Test Method for Oxidation-Reduction Potential of Water
  • ASTM G200-09 Standard Test Method for Measurement of Oxidation-Reduction Potential (ORP) of Soil
  • ASTM G200-20 Standard Test Method for Measurement of Oxidation-Reduction Potential (ORP) of Soil

Professional Standard - Environmental Protection, redox peak

  • HJ 746-2015 Soil—Determination of redox potential—Potential method

PL-PKN, redox peak

Professional Standard - Water Conservancy, redox peak

  • SL 94-1994 Determination of oxidation-reduction potential (Electrometric method )

Henan Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, redox peak

Professional Standard - Chemical Industry, redox peak

General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People‘s Republic of China, redox peak

  • GB/T 5158.3-2011 Metallic powders.Determination of oxygen content by reduction methods.Part 3:Hydrogen-reducible oxygen
  • GB/T 3311-1982 Determination of cerium in cerium-tungsten alloys--Oxidation-reduction volumetry
  • GB/T 5158.4-2011 Metallic powders—Determination of oxygen content by reduction methods—Part 4:Total oxygen by reduction-extraction
  • GB/T 20245.5-2013 Expression of performance of electrochemical analyzers.Part 5:Oxidation-reduction potential or redox potential
  • GB/T 24236-2009 Iron ores for shaft direct-reduction feedstocks.Determination of the reducibility index,final degree of reduction and degree of metallization

CZ-CSN, redox peak

  • CSN 68 4066-1983 Pure chemicals. Preparation of measuring solutions for oxidation-reduction titrations

Professional Standard - Nuclear Industry, redox peak

  • EJ 267.3-1984 Determination of Uranium in Uranium Ore Titanium Trioxide Reduction/Ammonium Vanadate Oxidation Titration

European Committee for Standardization (CEN), redox peak

  • EN ISO 4491-3:2006 Metallic powders - Determination of oxygen content by reduction methods - Part 3: Hydrogen-reducible oxygen
  • EN ISO 4491-4:2013 Metallic powders - Determination of oxygen content by reduction methods - Part 4: Total oxygen by reduction-extraction

Spanish Association for Standardization (UNE), redox peak

  • UNE-EN ISO 4491-3:2007 Metallic powders - Determination of oxygen content by reduction methods - Part 3: Hydrogen-reducible oxygen (ISO 4491-3:1997)
  • UNE-EN ISO 4491-4:2020 Metallic powders - Determination of oxygen content by reduction methods - Part 4: Total oxygen by reduction-extraction (ISO 4491-4:2019)
  • UNE-EN 24491-4:2006 Metallic powders - Determination of oxygen content by reduction methods - Part 4: Total oxygen by reduction-extraction (ISO 4491-4:1989)

Lithuanian Standards Office , redox peak

  • LST EN ISO 4491-3:2006 Metallic powders - Determination of oxygen content by reduction methods - Part 3: Hydrogen-reducible oxygen (ISO 4491-3:1997)

Professional Standard - Non-ferrous Metal, redox peak

  • YS/T 500-2006 Determination of cerium in tungsten-cerium alloy by redox capacity method
  • YS/T 500-2013 Determination of cerium content in cerium—tungsten alloys.Oxidation—Reduction titration

RU-GOST R, redox peak

  • GOST 27417-1987 Metal powders. Methods for determination of oxygen
  • GOST 27417-1998 Metallic powders. Determination of total oxygen by reduction - extraction

Professional Standard - Machinery, redox peak

  • JB/T 11782-2014 Diesel engines.NO<下標(biāo)x> selective reduction agent.Technical specifications

Chongqing Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, redox peak

  • DB50/T 503-2013 Determination of dicumyl peroxide content in paint industry (redox capacity method)

BE-NBN, redox peak

  • NBN T 03-132-1980 Sodium hydroxide for industrial use - Determination of sulphur compounds Method by reduction and titrimetry
  • NBN T 03-126-1980 Sodium hydroxide for industrial use - Determination of silica content - Reduced silico-molybdic comrlex photometric method

Group Standards of the People's Republic of China, redox peak

  • T/CISA 168-2021 Technical specification for iron oxide scale for preparation of reduced iron powder
  • T/CICEIA /CAMS5-2019 Low freezing point reductant solution for automobile SCR

RO-ASRO, redox peak

  • STAS SR EN 24491-4-1995 Metallic powders. Determination of oxygen content by reduction, methods. Part 4: Total oxygen by reduction-extraction

Military Standard of the People's Republic of China-Commission of Science,Technology and Industry for National Defence, redox peak

  • GJB 5381.23-2005 Methods of chemical analysis for pyrotech. Part 23: Determination of manganese dioxide content. Oxidation reduction method
  • GJB 5381.24-2005 Methods of chemical analysis for pyrotech. Part 24: Determination of ferriferous oxide and ironic oxide content. Oxidation reduction method

Military Standard of the People's Republic of China-General Armament Department, redox peak

  • GJB 8682.23-2015 Methods of chemical analysis of pyrotechnic powders Part 23: Determination of manganese dioxide content Oxidation-reduction method
  • GJB 8682.24-2015 Methods for chemical analysis of pyrotechnic powders Part 24: Determination of ferric oxide and ferric oxide content Oxidation-reduction method

CEN - European Committee for Standardization, redox peak

  • EN ISO 4491-4:2019 Metallic powders - Determination of oxygen content by reduction methods - Part 4: Total oxygen by reduction-extraction

YU-JUS, redox peak

  • JUS H.B8.611-1979 Ahiminium oxide primarily used for the production of aluminium. Determination of phosphorus content - Reduced phosphomofybdate spectrophotometric method

Standard Association of Australia (SAA), redox peak

  • AS K52:1937 Specification and methods of sampling and testing for reduced titanium dioxide pigment

Yunnan Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, redox peak

  • DB53/T 639.1-2014 Methods for chemical analysis of direct reduced iron - Part 1: Determination of calcium oxide, magnesium oxide, aluminum oxide content by EDTA titration

International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), redox peak

  • IEC 60746-5:1992 Expression of performance of electrochemical analyzers; part 5: oxidation-reduction potential or redox potential

Taiwan Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, redox peak

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