DEalgae method
algae method, Total:11 items.
In the international standard classification, algae method involves: Water quality.
SCC, algae method
- AWWA WQTC55008 A Comparison of Methods for Detecting Algae in Water
- NS-EN 17480:2021 Algae and algae products – Methods for the determination of productivity of algae growth sites
- DANSK DS/EN 17480:2021 Algae and algae products – Methods for the determination of productivity of algae growth sites
Shandong Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, algae method
Lithuanian Standards Office , algae method
- LST EN 17480-2021 Algae and algae products - Methods for the determination of productivity of algae growth sites
Danish Standards Foundation, algae method
- DS/EN 17480:2021 Algae and algae products – Methods for the determination of productivity of algae growth sites
Spanish Association for Standardization (UNE), algae method
- UNE-EN 17480:2022 Algae and algae products - Methods for the determination of productivity of algae growth sites
Association Francaise de Normalisation, algae method
- NF EN 17480:2021 Algae and algae products - Methods for determining the productivity of algae growth sites
European Committee for Standardization (CEN), algae method
- EN 17480:2021 Algae and algae products - Methods for the determination of productivity of algae growth sites
CH-SNV, algae method
- SN EN 17480-2021 Algae and algae products - Methods for the determination of productivity of algae growth sites
British Standards Institution (BSI), algae method
- BS EN 17480:2021 Algae and algae products. Methods for the determination of productivity of algae growth sites