DEMaximum load test
Maximum load test, Total:43 items.
In the international standard classification, Maximum load test involves: Elements of buildings, Small craft, Freight distribution of goods, Road vehicle systems, Measurement of force, weight and pressure, Structures of buildings, Measurement of volume, mass, density, viscosity.
Standard Association of Australia (SAA), Maximum load test
- AS 4155.9:1993 Test methods for general access floors - Test for ultimate test load (safety factor tests for concentrated load)
- AS 1170.1:1989 Minimum design loads on structures (known as the SAA Loading Code) - Dead and live loads and load combinations
- AS 1170.3:1990 Minimum design loads on structures (known as the SAA Loading Code) - Snow loads
- AS 1170.2:1989 Minimum design loads on structures (known as the SAA Loading Code) - Wind loads
- AS 1170.4:1993 Minimum design loads on structures (known as the SAA Loading Code) - Earthquake loads
- AS 1170.2:1989/Amdt 2:1993 Minimum design loads on structures (called SAA Load Codes) - Wind Loads
- AS 1170.1:1989/Amdt 1:1993 Minimum design loads on structures (called SAA load codes) - dead and live loads and load combinations
- AS 1170.2:1989/Amdt 1:1991 Minimum design loads on structures (called SAA Load Codes) - Wind Loads
- AS 1170.4:1993/Amdt 1:1994 Minimum design loads on structures (called SAA load codes) - seismic loads
- AS 1170.3/SUPP 1:1990 Minimum design loads on structures (known as the SAA Loading Code) - Snow loads - Commentary (Supplement to AS 1170.3-1990)
- AS 1170.2:1989/Amdt 3:1993 AS 1170.2-1989 (Amdt 3) Minimum design loads for structures (called SAA load specifications) - Wind loads
AT-ON, Maximum load test
British Standards Institution (BSI), Maximum load test
Association Francaise de Normalisation, Maximum load test
European Committee for Standardization (CEN), Maximum load test
- EN ISO 14946:2021 Small craft - Maximum load capacity (ISO 14946:2021)
- EN ISO 14946:2001 Small Craft - Maximum Load Capacity Incorporating Corrigendum October 2005; ISO 14946:2001
BR-ABNT, Maximum load test
RU-GOST R, Maximum load test
AASHTO - American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, Maximum load test
中華人民共和國國家質量監督檢驗檢疫總局、中國國家標準化管理委員會, Maximum load test
SE-SIS, Maximum load test
German Institute for Standardization, Maximum load test
- DIN EN ISO 14946:2001 Small craft - Maximum load capacity (ISO 14946:2001); German version EN ISO 14946:2001
- DIN 28086:1994 Eyelets on apparatuses for mounting; dimensions and maximum loadings
GSO, Maximum load test
- GSO ISO 18207:2008 Road vehicles - Trailers up to 3,5 t - Control of welded towing brackets for coupling ball after fatigue testing
- GSO ISO 8611-3:2014 Pallets for materials handling -- Flat pallets -- Part 3: Maximum working loads
- GSO ISO/TS 8611-3:2007 Pallets for materials handling - Flat pallets – Part 3 : Maximum working loads
American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), Maximum load test
- ASTM E898-88(2005) Standard Test Method of Testing Top-Loading, Direct-Reading Laboratory Scales and Balances
- ASTM E898-88(2000) Standard Method of Testing Top-Loading, Direct-Reading Laboratory Scales and Balances
- ASTM E898-88(2013) Standard Test Method of Testing Top-Loading, Direct-Reading Laboratory Scales and Balances
SCC, Maximum load test
- DIN 28086 E:2022 Draft Document - Eyelets on apparatuses - Dimensions and maximum loadings
- AS 1170.2:1983 Minimum design loads on structures (known as the SAA Loading Code) - Wind loads
- AS CA34.1:1969 Minimum design loads on structures (known as the SAA Loading Code), Part 1: Dead and live loads
- Doc 1475:1969 Minimum design loads on structures, Part 2: Wind loads
- AS 1170.1:1981 Minimum design loads on structures (known as the SAA Loading Code), Part 1: Dead and live loads
- AS 1170.1:1971 Minimum design loads on structures (known as the SAA loading code) - Dead and live loads (metric units)
未注明發布機構, Maximum load test
International Organization for Standardization (ISO), Maximum load test
- ISO/TR 10232:1989 General-purpose flat pallets for through transit of goods; design rating and maximum working load
- ISO/TS 8611-3:2005 Pallets for materials handling - Flat pallets - Part 3: Maximum working loads
Professional Standard - Aviation, Maximum load test
- HB 7817-2006 Requirements for load test and load spectrum establishment of helicopter structure
Danish Standards Foundation, Maximum load test