






balance room+

balance room+, Total:201 items.

In the international standard classification, balance room+ involves: Measurement of volume, mass, density, viscosity, Analytical chemistry, Measurement of force, weight and pressure, Hand-held tools, Chipless working equipment, Shafts and couplings, Transformers. Reactors, Earth-moving machinery, TESTING, Aerospace fluid systems and components, Mechanical testing, Fasteners for aerospace construction, Electricity. Magnetism. Electrical and magnetic measurements, Space systems and operations, Vocabularies, Materials for aerospace construction, Geology. Meteorology. Hydrology, Components and accessories for telecommunications equipment, Piezoelectric and dielectric devices, Agricultural machines, implements and equipment, Railway engineering in general, Quality, Aircraft and space vehicles in general, Rectifiers. Convertors. Stabilized power supply, Optics and optical measurements, Lighting, Pharmaceutics, Elements of buildings, Services, Continuous handling equipment, Fishing and fish breeding, Radiocommunications.

國家質(zhì)量監(jiān)督檢驗(yàn)檢疫總局, balance room+

GSO, balance room+

Professional Standard - Machinery, balance room+

General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People‘s Republic of China, balance room+

Professional Standard - Aerospace, balance room+

US-FCR, balance room+

US-VA, balance room+

GB-REG, balance room+

Japanese Industrial Standards Committee (JISC), balance room+

National Metrological Verification Regulations of the People's Republic of China, balance room+

Professional Standard - Education, balance room+

Professional Standard - Light Industry, balance room+

CZ-CSN, balance room+

Taiwan Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, balance room+

German Institute for Standardization, balance room+

  • DIN 1042:2000 Straight pein hammers, cross pein hammers
  • DIN 876-1:1984 Surface plates; natural hard rock surface plates; requirements and testing
  • DIN 8119-4:2007 Platform scales - Part 4: Design loads for floor-mounted and dormant scales
  • DIN EN 2139:1989-10 Aerospace; washers, flat, heat resisting steel; german version EN 2139:1989
  • DIN EN 17030:2016 Space - Earth observation - Image processing levels; German and English version prEN 17030:2016
  • DIN EN 16603-40-07:2020-08 Space engineering - Simulation modelling platform; English version EN 16603-40-07:2020
  • DIN 65227:1992-11 Aerospace; workshop facilities; guide bushes for hand milling machines, clearance 2,5 mm

RU-GOST R, balance room+

  • GOST 24104-1988 General purpose laboratory balances and comparison balances. Performance. Specifications

Korean Agency for Technology and Standards (KATS), balance room+

British Standards Institution (BSI), balance room+

RO-ASRO, balance room+

IN-BIS, balance room+

Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE), balance room+

Association Francaise de Normalisation, balance room+

SAE - SAE International, balance room+

Defense Logistics Agency, balance room+

American National Standards Institute (ANSI), balance room+

SCC, balance room+

PL-PKN, balance room+

ES-UNE, balance room+

  • UNE-EN 16603-40-07:2020 Space engineering - Simulation modelling platform (Endorsed by Asociación Espa?ola de Normalización in July of 2020.)
  • UNE-EN 17030:2018 Space - Earth observation - Image processing levels (Endorsed by Asociación Espa?ola de Normalización in June of 2018.)
  • UNE-CEN/CLC/TR 17603-11:2021 Space engineering - Technology readiness level (TRL) guidelines (Endorsed by Asociación Espa?ola de Normalización in November of 2021.)

CENELEC - European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization, balance room+

American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), balance room+

Military Standard of the People's Republic of China-General Armament Department, balance room+

National Metrological Technical Specifications of the People's Republic of China, balance room+

  • JJF 1940-2021 Calibration Specification for Electromagnetic Balances

未注明發(fā)布機(jī)構(gòu), balance room+

Aerospace Industries Association/ANSI Aerospace Standards, balance room+

International Telecommunication Union (ITU), balance room+

  • ITU-R P.2041-2013 Prediction of path attenuation on links between an airborne platform and Space and between an airborne platform and the surface of the Earth

中國氣象局, balance room+

US-AAMA, balance room+

Group Standards of the People's Republic of China, balance room+

  • T/CECA 48-2021 Quartz Crystal Microbalance Element
  • T/CAMA 69-2022 Unmanned field management mobile platform
  • T/CAMET 01008-2023 Design specifications for subway evacuation platforms
  • T/CPSS 1014-2021 Technology specification of switching power supply for mean time between failure (MTBF) reliability
  • T/ZJSC 0002-2023 Technical specifications for shellfish juveniles in the circulatory raceway system

ITU-R - International Telecommunication Union/ITU Radiocommunication Sector, balance room+

  • ITU-R RA.1513-2001 Levels of Datas Loss to Astronomy Observations and Percentage-Of-Time Criteria Resulting from Degradation by Interference for Frequency Bands Allocated to the Radio Astronomy on a Primary Basis

AIA/NAS - Aerospace Industries Association of America Inc., balance room+

CEN - European Committee for Standardization, balance room+

  • EN 17030:2018 Space - Earth observation - Image processing levels

(U.S.) Ford Automotive Standards, balance room+

ASHRAE - American Society of Heating@ Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers@ Inc., balance room+

Military Standard of the People's Republic of China-Commission of Science,Technology and Industry for National Defence, balance room+

European Committee for Standardization (CEN), balance room+

Lithuanian Standards Office , balance room+

中華人民共和國國家質(zhì)量監(jiān)督檢驗(yàn)檢疫總局、中國國家標(biāo)準(zhǔn)化管理委員會(huì), balance room+

IET - Institution of Engineering and Technology, balance room+

International Organization for Standardization (ISO), balance room+

  • ISO 15469:1997 Spatial distribution of daylight - CIE standard overcast sky and clear sky

CU-NC, balance room+

  • NC 92-13-1987 Quality Control. Estimation of the Mean. Confidence Interval

機(jī)械電子工業(yè)部, balance room+

  • JB 5515-1991 Automatic recording particle deposition balance

Sichuan Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, balance room+

Professional Standard - Construction Industry, balance room+

  • JG 3002.2-1992 Residential stair.Prefabricated concrete intermediate landings

Danish Standards Foundation, balance room+

U.S. Air Force, balance room+

Beijing Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, balance room+

  • DB11/T 859-2012 Mortuary funeral service specification for medical institutions

YU-JUS, balance room+

  • JUS U.J1.110-1986 Fire protection. Fire resistance tests ofceilings betvveen gloors andceilings

AENOR, balance room+


ATIS - Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions, balance room+

  • 0100030-2010 Mean Time Between Outages – A Metric for Assessing Production Failure Rates in IP Routers

Professional Standard - Post and Telecommunication, balance room+

  • YD/T 2942-2015 Technical requirements of correlative reacting platform on countering short message service(SMS)spam

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