DEChromatographic factors
Chromatographic factors, Total:412 items.
In the international standard classification, Chromatographic factors involves: Protection against crime, General methods of tests and analysis for food products, Occupational safety. Industrial hygiene, Sugar. Sugar products. Starch, Air quality, Beekeeping, Water quality, Products of the chemical industry, Laboratory medicine, Animal feeding stuffs, Plastics, Protective equipment, Tea. Coffee. Cocoa, Pharmaceutics, Fruits. Vegetables, Analytical chemistry, Meat, meat products and other animal produce, Wastes, Beverages, Processes in the food industry, Transport, Farming and forestry, Pesticides and other agrochemicals, Ventilators. Fans. Air-conditioners, Radiation protection, Optics and optical measurements, Non-metalliferous minerals, Medical sciences and health care facilities in general, Milk and milk products, Telecommunication systems, Telecommunications in general, Environmental protection, On-board equipment and instruments, Biology. Botany. Zoology, Food products in general, Terminology (principles and coordination), Sterilization and disinfection, Fishing and fish breeding, Tobacco, tobacco products and related equipment, Test conditions and procedures in general, Fertilizers.
Professional Standard - Public Safety Standards, Chromatographic factors
- GA/T 1613-2019 Detection of lidocaine, ropivacaine and bupivacaine in forensic science biological samples by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry and liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry
- GA/T 2035-2023 Forensic sciences—Examination methods for caffeine in suspected drugs—LC and LC-MS
- GA/T 1008.4-2013 GC and GC-MS examination methods for drugs.Part 4:Cocaine
- GA/T 2034-2023 Forensic Science Testing Caffeine in Suspected Drugs Gas Chromatography and Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry
- GA/T 1645-2019 Liquid Chromatography and Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry for the Detection of Cocaine in Suspected Drugs in Forensic Science
- GA/T 2043-2023 Forensic Science Testing Codeine in Suspected Cough Water Gas Chromatography and Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry
- GA/T 2044-2023 Forensic Science Testing of Codeine in Suspected Cough Water Liquid Chromatography and Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry
- GA/T 121-2019 Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry and Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry for Cantharidin Detection in Forensic Science Biological Samples
- GA/T 1616-2019 Chloramphenicol Test in Forensic Science Biological Samples by Liquid Chromatography and Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry
- GA/T 2052-2023 Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry for Determining Correlation Between Heroin Samples in Forensic Science
- GA/T 2051-2023 Forensic Science Testing of Bromine in Suspected Precursor Chemicals Gas Chromatography and Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry
- GA/T 1610-2019 Detection of Erythromycin and Roxithromycin in Forensic Science Biological Samples by Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry
- GA/T 1622-2019 Gas Chromatography, Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry and Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry for the Examination of Nereistoxin, Dimehytap, Cyclodime and Cartap in Forensic Science Biological Samples
- GA/T 1912-2021 Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry for the Detection of Kiskin A and Kiskinin in Forensic Science Biological Samples
- GA/T 1913-2021 Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry for the Detection of Kiskin A and Kiskinin in Forensic Science Biological Samples
- GA/T 1652-2019 Liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry for the detection of natural capsaicin, dihydrocapsaicin, and synthetic capsaicin in vegetable oils and fats for forensic science
- GA/T 1608-2019 Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry for the Detection of Tetrodotoxin in Forensic Science Biological Samples
- GA/T 1609-2019 Lincomycin Detection in Forensic Science Biological Samples by Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry
British Standards Institution (BSI), Chromatographic factors
- BS EN 17644:2022 Foodstuffs. Detection of food allergens by liquid chromatography. mass spectrometry (LC-MS) methods. General considerations
- 21/30430873 DC BS EN 17644. Foodstuffs. Detection of food allergens by liquid chromatography. Mass spectrometry (LC-MS) methods. General considerations
- BS ISO 16976-8:2023 Respiratory protective devices. Human factors. Ergonomic factors
- BS ISO/CIE 28077:2016 Photocarcinogenesis action spectrum (non-melanoma skin cancers)
- PD ISO/TR 29901:2007 Selected illustrations of full factorial experiments with four factors
- BS ISO/CIE 28077:2024 Photocarcinogenesis action spectrum (non-melanoma skin cancers)
- BS EN 15607:2009 Foodstuffs - Determination of d-biotin by HPLC
- BS EN 17203:2021 Foodstuffs. Determination of citrinin in food by HPLC-MS/MS
- BS EN 14148:2003 Foodstuffs - Determination of vitamin K1 by HPLC
- BS EN 14152:2014 Foodstuffs. Determination of vitamin B2 by high performance liquid chromatography
- DD CEN/TS 16233-1:2011 Foodstuffs. HPLC method for the determination of xanthophylls in fish flesh - Determination of astaxanthin and canthaxanthin
- BS EN 14152:2003 Foodstuffs - Determination of vitamin B2 by HPLC
- BS ISO 19746:2017 Determination of urea content in urea-based fertilizers by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)
Group Standards of the People's Republic of China, Chromatographic factors
- T/WSJD 18.5-2021 High Performance Liquid Chromatography for the Determination of Hydrazine in the Air of the Workplace
- T/WSJD 18.18-2024 Determination of chemical factors in workplace air Gas chromatography method for 1,4-dioxane
- T/WSJD 18.19-2024 Determination of chemical factors in workplace air - Gas chromatography method for methylene chloride
- T/WSJD 18.22-2024 Portable gas chromatography-mass spectrometry for determination of bischloromethyl ether in workplace air
- T/WSJD 18.8-2021 Gas Chromatography for Determination of Tributyl Phosphate in Chemical Factors in Workplace Air
- T/WSJD 18.11-2021 Gas Chromatography for the Determination of Dimethylaniline in the Air of the Workplace
- T/WSJD 18.6-2021 Gas Chromatography for the Determination of Difluorochloromethane in Chemical Factors in the Air of the Workplace
- T/WSJD 18.4-2021 Ion Chromatography for Determination of Ammonium Sulfamate in Chemical Factors in Workplace Air
- T/WSJD 18.21-2024 Determination of chemical factors in workplace air - Gas chromatographic method for n-butylmercaptan
- T/CEAC 034-2024 Determination of chemical factors in workplace air - Ion chromatography of sulfur dioxide
- T/WSJD 18.17-2024 Determination of chemical factors in workplace air - Gas chromatography method for methyl tert-butyl ether
- T/WSJD 18.12-2021 High Performance Liquid Chromatography for Determination of Acrylamide by Chemical Factors in Workplace Air
- T/WSJD 18.10-2021 Gas Chromatography for the Determination of Methyl Methacrylate by Chemical Factors in the Air of the Workplace
- T/WSJD 18.9-2021 Gas Chromatography for the Determination of Methyl Isoamyl Ketone in the Air of the Workplace
- T/WSJD 18.20-2024 Determination of chemical factors in workplace air - Gas chromatography method for methyl chloride and dichloromethyl ether
- T/WSJD 18.3-2021 Ion Chromatography and Ion Selective Electrode Method for Determination of Hydrogen Bromide by Chemical Factors in Air of Workplace
- T/WSJD 18.7-2021 Determination of Formic Acid, Acetic Acid, Acrylic Acid and Chloroacetic Acid by Ion Chromatography for Chemical Factors in Workplace Air
- T/WSJD 18.1-2021 Ion Chromatography for the Determination of Sodium Hydroxide, Sodium Carbonate and Potassium Hydroxide in Chemical Factors in the Air of the Workplace
- T/HZBX 027-2019 Determination of morphine, codeine, papaverine, narcotine and thebaine in condiments LC-MS/MS method
- T/NAIA 0147-2022 Determination of 6 Anthocyanins in Wine by Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry/Mass Spectrometry
- T/GZSX 008-2016 Determination of Capsaicin and Dihydrocapsaicin in edible oil by Liquid chromatography / mass spectrometry
- T/GDFDTAEC 08-2024 Determination of prohibited fat-soluble synthetic colour in foods by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometric method
- T/GDFDTAEC 07-2024 Determination of prohibited water-soluble synthetic colour in foods by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometric method
- T/HCAA 001-2024 "Determination of 10 Mycotoxins in Cereals by Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry/Mass Spectrometry"
- T/NAIA 048-2021 Determination of vitamin B12 in functional beverages by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry/mass spectrometry
- T/NXFSA 004S-2020 Determination of Lycium barbarum by High Performance Liquid Chromatography
- T/SATA 032-2022 Determination of citrinin in foods—LC-MS/MS method
- T/ZNZ 162-2023 Determination of streptomycin and dihydrostreptomycin residues in grape -method of liquid chromatography- tandem mass spectrometry
- T/NAIA 0220-2023 Determination of nine mycotoxins in silage by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry/mass spectrometry
- T/JTAIT 11-2022 Determination of Anthocyanins in Fresh Blueberries by Liquid Chromatography Tandem Mass Spectrometry
- T/HZBX 060-2023 Determination of flavin and oryzac acid in food poisoning by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry/mass spectrometry?
- T/BDAS 002-2023 Determination of melatonin content in serum— Liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry
- T/BDAS 001-2021 Determination of melatonin content in milk— Liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry
- T/CAFFCI 37-2020 Determination of Dihydrocoumarin in Daily Flavors by Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry
- T/JAASS 134-2024 Determination of anthocyanidins in sweetpotato-liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry
- T/BDAS 001-2023 Determination of melatonin content in milk— Liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry
- T/GQBCXH 8-2024 Determination of chloramphenicol residues in bovine muscles by Liquid Chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry
- T/GXAS 753-2024 Seawater—Determination of steroid hormones—High performance liquid chromatography mass spectrometric method
- T/GQBCXH 7-2024 Determination of tetracycline in bovine muscles by Liquid Chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry
- T/CASMES 72-2022 Total 25-hydroxyl vitamin D testing kit(LC-MS-MS method)
- T/WSJD 18.15-2021 Cold Atomic Absorption Spectrometry for Determination of Mercury by Chemical Factors in Workplace Air
- T/GXAS 494-2023 Water quality—Determination of 7 penicillins by high performance liquid chromatography—tandem mass spectrometry method
- T/ZHCA 604-2023 Determination of hormone components in disinfection products—LC-MS-MS
- T/GXNS 005-2024 Determination of the Contents of Seven Phytohormones in Grape Plants - Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry
- T/NAIA 0109-2022 Determination of Proanthocyanidins in Wine by Liquid Chromatography
- T/YNBX 022-2020 Determination of naringenin, dendrophenol and erianin in Dendrobium high performance liquid chromatography
- T/SHSOT 010-2023 Detection of baicalin, baicalein and wogonin in cosmetics——Liquid chromatography
General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People‘s Republic of China, Chromatographic factors
- GB/T 19427-2003 Method for the determination of rutin,myricetin,quercetin,kaempferol,apigenin,pinocembrin,chrysin,galangin contents in propolis-LC-MS-MS detection method and LC-UV detection method
- GB/T 29635-2013 GC and GC-MS examination methods for heroin in suspected drug
- GB/T 23409-2009 Determination of residues of oxytetracycline,tetraycline chlotetracycline,and doxycycline in royal jelly.LC-MS/MS method
- GB/T 19182-2003 Coffee--Determination of caffeine content--Method using high-performance liquid chromatography
- GB/T 18932.23-2003 Method for the determination of oxytetracycline,tetracycline,chlortetacycline and doxycycline residues in honey-LC-MS-MS method
- GB/T 22995-2008 Determination of streptomycin,dihydrostreptomycin and kanamycin residues in honey.LC-MS-MS method
- GB/T 21315-2007 Determination of penicillins residues in foodstuffs of animal origin-LC-MS/MS method
- GB/T 8381.9-2005 Determination of Choramphenicol in Feeds Gas Chromatography
- GB/T 22945-2008 Determination of streptomycin,dihydrostreptomycin and kanamycin in royal jelly.LC-MS-MS method
- GB/T 21981-2008 Determination of hormone multiresidues in foodstuffs of animal origin.LC-MS/MS method
- GB/T 21108-2007 Determination of choramphenicol in feeds- High performance liquid chromatography tandem mass spectometry
- GB/T 17819-1999 Determination of vitamin B12 in vitamins premix--High-pressure liquid chromatography
- GB/T 31520-2015 Determination of astaxanthin in Haematococcus.High performance liquid chromatography method
- GB/T 21915-2008 Determination of natamycin in food.High-performance liquid chromatography
- GB/T 21165-2007 Determination of chloramphenicol residues in casing-LC-MS method
- GB/T 18932.20-2003 Method for the determination of chloramphenicol residues in honey-GC-MS method
- GB/T 18932.4-2002 Method for the determination of oxytetracycline,tetracycline,chlortetracycline,and doxycycline residues in honey--Liquid chromatographic method
- GB/T 41710-2022 Determination of prohibited lincomycin and clindamycin in cosmetics—Liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry
- GB/T 22969-2008 Determination of streptomycin,dihydrostreptomycin and kanamycin residues in milk and milk powder.LC-MS-MS method
- GB/T 22941-2008 Determination of lincomycin,erythromycin,spiramycin,tilmicosin,tylosin,josamycin,kitasamycin,oleandomycin residuces in honey.LC-MS-MS method
- GB/T 22954-2008 Determination of streptomycin dihydrostreptomycin and kanamycin residues in fugu and eel.LC-MS-MS method
- GB/T 5009.116-2003 Determination of oxytetracyline,tetracyline and chlortetracycline residues in meat(HPLC)
- GB/T 21317-2007 Determination of tetracyclines residues in food of animal origin-LC-MS/MS method and HPLC method
- GB/T 22988-2008 Determination of spiramycin,pirlimycin,oleandomycin,tilmicosin,erythromycin and tylosin residues in milk and milk powder.LC-MS-MS method
- GB/T 21164-2007 Determination of streptomycin、dihydrostreptomycin residues in royal jelly-Liquid chromatography method
- GB/T 18932.25-2005 Method for the determination of penicillin G, penicillin V, nafcillin,oxacillin,cloxacillin,dicloxacillin residues in honey-LC-MS-MS method
- GB/T 20762-2006 Method for the determination of lincomycin, oleandomycin, erythromycin, tilmicosin, tylosin, clindamycin, spiramycin, kitasamycin and josamycin residues in livestock and poultry muscles LC-MS-MS method
- GB/T 22259-2008 Determination of oxytetracycline in feeds-High performance liquid chromatography
- GB/T 23187-2008 Determination of lutein in feeds.High performance liquid chromatography
- GB/T 24800.1-2009 Determination of 9 tetracyclines in cosmetics by high performance liquid chromatography method
- GB/T 32951-2016 Determination of Oxytetracycline, Tetracycline, Chlortetracycline and Doxycycline in Organic Fertilizers by High Performance Liquid Chromatography
- GB/T 19684-2005 Determination of chlortetracycline in feeds-High performance liquid chromatography
- GB/T 30483-2013 Determination of theaflavins in tea.High performance liquid chromatography
- GB/T 22968-2008 Determination of ivermectin,abamectin,doramectin and eprinomectin residues in milk and milk powder.LC-MS-MS method
German Institute for Standardization, Chromatographic factors
- DIN EN 17644:2022-09 Foodstuffs - Detection of food allergens by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) methods - General considerations; German version EN 17644:2022
- DIN EN 14164:2014-08 Foodstuffs - Determination of vitamin B6 by high performance chromatography; German version EN 14164:2014
- DIN EN 301104:2000-04 Human Factors (HF) - Human factors requirements for a European Telephony Numbering Space (ETNS) (Endorsement of the English version EN 301104 V 1.1.1 (1998-10) as German standard) / Note: Endorsement notice
- DIN EN 301104:2000 Human Factors (HF) - Human factors requirements for a European Telephony Numbering Space (ETNS) (Endorsement of the English version EN 301104 V 1.1.1 (1998-10) as German standard)
- DIN EN 14152:2003 Foodstuffs - Determination of vitamin B2 by HPLC; German version EN 14152:2003
- DIN EN 14148:2003-10 Foodstuffs - Determination of vitamin K1 by HPLC; German version EN 14148:2003
- DIN EN 12857:1999-07 Foodstuffs - Determination of cyclamate - Method by high performance liquid chromatography; German version EN 12857:1999
- DIN EN 14122:2014-08 Foodstuffs - Determination of vitamin B1 by high performance liquid chromatography; German version EN 14122:2014
- DIN EN 14152:2014-08 Foodstuffs - Determination of vitamin B2 by high performance liquid chromatography; German version EN 14152:2014
- DIN EN 15607:2009-09 Foodstuffs - Determination of d-biotin by HPLC; German version EN 15607:2009
- DIN EN 14148:2003 Foodstuffs - Determination of vitamin K1 by HPLC; German version EN 14148:2003
- DIN EN 15705:2010-07 Fertilizers - Determination of urea condensates using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) - Isobutylidenediurea and crotonylidenediurea (method A) and methylene-urea oligomers (method B); German version EN 15705:2010 / Note: To be replaced by...
Spanish Association for Standardization (UNE), Chromatographic factors
- UNE-EN 17644:2022 Foodstuffs - Detection of food allergens by liquid chromatography - mass spectrometry (LC-MS) methods - General considerations
- UNE-EN 12393-1:2009 Foods of plant origin - Multiresidue methods for the gas chromatographic determination of pesticide residues - Part 1: General considerations
- UNE-ETS 300640 Ed1:2022 Human Factors (HF);Assignment of alphabetic letters to digits on standard telephone keypad arrays (Endorsed by Asociación Espa?ola de Normalización in December of 2022.)
- UNE-EN 301462 V1.1.1:2021 Human Factors (HF);Symbols to identify telecommunications facilities for the deaf and hard of hearing people (Endorsed by Asociación Espa?ola de Normalización in November of 2021.)
- UNE-ETS 300375 Ed1:2022 Human Factors (HF);Pictograms for point-to-point videotelephony (Endorsed by Asociación Espa?ola de Normalización in July of 2022.)
- UNE-ETS 300767 Ed1:2005 Human Factors (HF); Telephone Prepayment Cards; Tactile Identifier (Endorsed by AENOR in December of 2005.)
- UNE-EN 301104 V1.1.1:2005 Human Factors (HF); Human factors requirements for a European Telephony Numbering Space (ETNS) (Endorsed by AENOR in October of 2005.)
- UNE-ETS 300738 Ed1:2023 Human Factors (HF);Minimum Man-Machine Interface (MMI) to public network based supplementary services (Endorsed by Asociación Espa?ola de Normalización in January of 2023.)
- UNE-EN 14164:2014 Foodstuffs - Determination of vitamin B6 by high performance chromatography
- UNE-EN 12857:2001 Foodstuffs - Determination of cyclamate - High performance liquid chromatographic method
- UNE-EN 14164:2008 Foodstuffs - Determination of vitamin B6 by HPLC
- UNE-EN 14152:2015 Foodstuffs - Determination of vitamin B2 by high performance liquid chromatography
- UNE-EN 15607:2010 Foodstuffs - Determination of d-biotin by HPLC
- UNE-ENV 14164:2007 EX Foodstuffs - Determination of vitamin B6 by HPLC
- UNE-EN 14122:2014 Foodstuffs - Determination of vitamin B1 by high performance liquid chromatography
Professional Standard - Commodity Inspection, Chromatographic factors
- SN/T 4147-2015 Determination of lidocaine,tetracaine and dibucaine in cosmetics for import and export.LC-MS/MS method
- SN/T 2289-2009 Determination of chloramphenicol,thiamphenicol and florfenicol in cosmetics for import and export.LC-MS/MS method
- SN/T 3609-2013 Determination of imperatorin and isoimperatorin in cosmetics for import and export.LC/MS/MS Method
- SN/T 1781-2006 Determination of caffeine in cosmetics for import and export - Liquid chromatography method
- SN/T 4319-2015 Detection of Microcystins in Exported Aquatic Products by Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry/Mass Spectrometry
- SN/T 3865-2014 Determination of lycopene in health foods for export.LC-MS/MS method
- SN/T 1859-2007 Determination of patulin and 5-hydroxymethylfurfural in beverage.LC-MS and GC-MS method
- SN/T 0350-2012 Determination of gibberellic acid residues in fruit for export.LC-MS/MS
- SN/T 2440-2010 Determination of caffeine in royal jelly for import and export- LC-MS/MS
- SN/T 4394-2015 Determination of bixin and norbixin in foods for export.LC method
- SN/T 3333-2012 Determination of the "Blue colourant" on import and export textiles.HPLC method
- SN/T 1354-2004 Determination of caffeine in honey for import and export--Liquid chromatography
- SN/T 0670-2012 Determination of tylosin residues in food for export.LC-MS/MS
- SN/T 4259-2015 Determination of alternaria toxins residues in fruit and vegetables for export.LC-MS/MS method
- SN/T 3866-2014 Determination of phenolphthalein and emodin in health food for export.LC-MS/MS method
- SN/T 2387-2009 Determination of validamycin residues in food for import and export.LC-MS/MS method
- SN/T 4056-2014 Determination of fumagillin residue in honey.LC-MS-MS-method
- SN/T 2534-2010 Determination of patulin in fruit and vegetable products for import and export-LC-MS/MS and HPLC method
國(guó)家市場(chǎng)監(jiān)督管理總局、中國(guó)國(guó)家標(biāo)準(zhǔn)化管理委員會(huì), Chromatographic factors
- GB/T 39876-2021 Examination methods for cocaine in suspected drugs—Gas chromatography and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry
- GB/T 40318-2021 Plastics—Environmental aspects—General guidelines for their inclusion in standards
- GB/T 40348-2021 Determination of capsaicinoid in plant derived products—Liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry
- GB/T 38169-2019 Determination of caulerpin content—High performance liquid chromatography
- GB/T 36921-2018 Determination of vitamin B2, vitamin B3 and vitamin B6 in toothpaste—High performance liquid chromatography
Association Francaise de Normalisation, Chromatographic factors
- NF EN 17644:2022 Food products - Detection of food allergens by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) methods - General considerations
- NF V03-090-1:2009 Foods of plant origin - Multiresidue for the gas chromatographic determination of pesticide residues - Part 1 : general considerations.
- NF ISO 16976-8:2023 Respiratory protective devices - Human factors - Part 8: ergonomic factors
- XP S76-976-8*XP ISO/TS 16976-8:2013 Respiratory protective devices - Human factors - Part 8 : ergonomic factors
- NF EN 14152:2014 Food products - Determination of vitamin B2 content by high performance liquid chromatography
- NF V03-134:2004 Foodstuffs - Determination of vitamin B2 by HPLC.
- NF V03-160*NF EN 15607:2009 Foodstuffs - Determination of d-biotin by HPLC.
- NF V03-134*NF EN 14152:2014 Foodstuffs - Determination of vitamin B2 by high performance liquid chromatography
- NF EN 12857:2001 Produits alimentaires - Dosage du cyclamate - Méthode par chromatographie liquide haute performance
- NF EN 15607:2009 Food products - Determination of d-biotin by High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC)
International Telecommunication Union (ITU), Chromatographic factors
PL-PKN, Chromatographic factors
- PN E04040-05-1986 Photometric and radiometrie measurements Measurenient of reflection factor, transmission factor and luminance factor
SCC, Chromatographic factors
海關(guān)總署, Chromatographic factors
- SN/T 5441-2022 Determination of tricaine, benzocaine and quinaldine residues in exported aquatic products by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry/mass spectrometry
- SN/T 5117-2019 Determination of Streptomycin (Streptomycin, Dihydrostreptomycin) Drug Residues in Imported and Exported Food Animals and Feeds Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry/Mass Spectrometry
- SN/T 5360-2021 Determination of vancomycin and norvancomycin residues in foods of exported animal origin by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry/mass spectrometry
Jilin Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, Chromatographic factors
- DB22/T 2695-2017 Determination of lincomycin and erythromycin in feed by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry/mass spectrometry
- DB22/T 2967-2019 Determination of Cocaine in Human Urine by Liquid Chromatography-High Resolution Mass Spectrometry
- DB22/T 2292-2015 Determination of Cantharidin in Cosmetics by Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry
CU-NC, Chromatographic factors
- NC 42-35-1987 Paper and Board Industry. Determination of the Reflectanee Factor in Blue (Whiteness Degree). Testing Method
European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI), Chromatographic factors
- ETSI ETR 297-1996 Human Factors (HF); Human Factors in Videotelephony
- ETSI ETR 039-1992 Human Factors (HF); Human Factors Standards for Telecommunications Applications
- ETSI ETR 160-1995 Human Factors (HF); Human Factors Aspects of Multimedia Telecommunications
- ETSI TR 102 202-2003 Human Factors (HF); Human Factors of work in call centres (V1.1.2)
- ETSI ES 201 104-1998 Human Factors (HF); Human Factors Requirements for a European Telephony Numbering Space (ETNS) (V1.1.1)
- ETSI EN 301 104-1998 Human Factors (HF); Human Factors Requirements for a European Telephony Numbering Space (ETNS) (V1.1.1)
Chongqing Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, Chromatographic factors
- DB50/T 1363-2023 Water Quality Determination of Tetracycline Antibiotics by Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry
- DB50/T 1364-2023 Water Quality Determination of Chloramphenicol Antibiotics by Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry
- DB50/T 952-2019 Determination of Ochratoxin A in Animal Tissues by High Performance Liquid Chromatography and Liquid Chromatography Tandem Mass Spectrometry
- DB50/T 1367-2023 Water Quality Determination of Sulfonamide Antibiotics by Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry
- DB50/T 1366-2023 Water Quality Determination of Quinolone Antibiotics by Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry
國(guó)家質(zhì)量監(jiān)督檢驗(yàn)檢疫總局, Chromatographic factors
- SN/T 4523-2016 Determination of various illegal pigments in exported wines by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry/mass spectrometry
- SN/T 4890-2017 Determination of Curcumin in Exported Foods by High-Performance Liquid Chromatography and Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry/Mass Spectrometry
- SN/T 4521-2016 Determination of Streptomycin and Dihydrostreptomycin in Exported Tomato Sauce by Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry/Mass Spectrometry
- SN/T 4778-2017 Determination method of streptomycin and dihydrostreptomycin in exported pollen by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry/mass spectrometry
- SN/T 4675.14-2016 Determination of natamycin in exported wines by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry/mass spectrometry
- SN/T 4675.10-2016 Determination of Ochratoxin A in Exported Wines by Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry/Mass Spectrometry
- SN/T 4318-2015 Contents of coumarin, 6-methylcoumarin, dihydrocoumarin, 7-methoxycoumarin, acenocoumarin, and 7-ethoxy-4-methylcoumarin in exported foods Determination of liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry/mass spectrometry
- SN/T 4744-2017 Determination of sex hormone residues in imported and exported edible animals by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry/mass spectrometry
- SN/T 3381-2012 Determination of fumagillin residues in exported foods by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry/mass spectrometry
- SN/T 4811-2017 Determination of emamectin residues in imported and exported food animals by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry/mass spectrometry
SAE - SAE International, Chromatographic factors
ETSI - European Telecommunications Standards Institute, Chromatographic factors
- ETR 297-1996 Human Factors (HF); Human Factors in Videotelephony
- ETR 039-1992 Human Factors (HF); Human Factors Standards for Telecommunications Applications
- ETR 160-1995 Human Factors (HF); Human Factors Aspects of Multimedia Telecommunications
- TR 102 202-2003 Human Factors (HF); Human Factors of work in call centres (V1.1.1)
- ETR 116-1994 Human Factors (HF); Human Factors Guidelines for ISDN Terminal Equipment Design
- ETSI EN 301 104:1998 Human Factors (HF); Human Factors Requirements for a European Telephony Numbering Space (ETNS) (V1.1.1)
- ES 201 104-1997 Human Factors (HF); Human Factors Requirements for a European Telephony Numbering Space (ETNS) (V1.1.1)
- SR 001 996-2001 Human Factors (HF); An Annotated Bibliography of Documents Dealing with Human Factors and Disability (V1.1.1)
- ES 201 104-1998 Human Factors (HF); Human Factors Requirements for a European Telephony Numbering Space (ETNS) (V1.1.1)
- SR 001 996-2010 Human Factors (HF); An annotated bibliography of documents dealing with Human Factors and disability (V5.1.3)
- SR 001 996-2007 Human Factors (HF); An annotated bibliography of documents dealing with Human Factors and disability (V4.1.1)
- SR 001 996-2003 Human Factors (HF); An annotated bibliography of documents dealing with Human Factors and disability (V2.1.1)
- SR 001 996-2005 Human Factors (HF); An annotated bibliography of documents dealing with Human Factors and disability (V3.1.1)
- EG 201 103-1997 Human Factors (HF); Human Factors Issues in Multimedia Information Retrieval Services (MIRS) (V1.1.1)
- EG 201 103-1998 Human Factors (HF); Human Factors Issues in Multimedia Information Retrieval Services (MIRS) (V1.1.1)
Institute of Interconnecting and Packaging Electronic Circuits (IPC), Chromatographic factors
Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE), Chromatographic factors
VE-FONDONORMA, Chromatographic factors
Anhui Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, Chromatographic factors
- DB34/T 1361-2011 Determination of chloramphenicol in feed-Gas chromatography mass spectrometry method
- DB34/T 2776-2016 Determination of 10 Mycotoxins in Cereals by Liquid Chromatography Tandem Mass Spectrometry
- DB34/T 1537-2011 Determination of Curcumin in food Liquid chromatography
- DB34/T 1358-2011 Determination of flavomycin in feed-High efficiency liquid chromatographymethod
- DB34/T 1330-2011 Determination of Urea in Cosmetics —HPLC Method
Shandong Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, Chromatographic factors
- DB37/T 3031-2017 Determination of Cantharidin in Cosmetics by Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry-Mass Spectrometry
- DB37/T 1778-2011 Determination of Estrogen Residues in Aquatic Products by Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry
- DB37/T 3309-2018 Determination of Vitamin D2 and Vitamin D3 in Cosmetics by High Performance Liquid Chromatography
- DB37/T 3312-2018 Determination of Cantharidin in Cosmetics by Gas Chromatography
Professional Standard - Agriculture, Chromatographic factors
- NY/T 4360-2023 Determination of streptomycin, dihydrostreptomycin and kanamycin in feed by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry
- NY/T 1381-2007 Determination of Capsaicin by High Performance Liquid Chromatography
- T/CSIQ 78002-2018 Determination of colorant in dish-washing detergent—Liquid chromatography method
- NY/T 4262-2022 Determination of seven synthetic red pigments in meat and meat products by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry
- GB/T 43714-2024 Determination of telamycin in feed Liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry
- 農(nóng)業(yè)部2483號(hào)公告-8-2016 Determination of chloramphenicol, thiamphenicol and florfenicol in feed by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry
- GB/T 42956-2023 Determination of tylosin, tyvanectin and tilmicosin in feed by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry
- SN/T 5511-2023 Determination of papaverine, narcotine, thebaine, morphine and codeine in seasonings, seasoned flour products and meat products for export by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry/mass spectrometry
- GB/T 44617-2024 Determination of Gentamycin in Feed by Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry
- 農(nóng)業(yè)農(nóng)村部公告第197號(hào)-4-2019 Determination of Hainanmycin in Feed by Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry
- 農(nóng)業(yè)農(nóng)村部公告第316號(hào)-7-2020 Determination of sedicamycin in feed by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry
- 農(nóng)業(yè)農(nóng)村部公告第197號(hào)-3-2019 Determination of neomycin sulfate in feed by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry
- NY/T 2871-2015 Determination of 43 Plant Hormones in Rice by Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry
- GB/T 22260-2023 Determination of Anabolic Hormones in Feed by Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry
- GB/T 14931.1-1994 Determination method of oxytetracycline, tetracycline and chlortetracycline residues in livestock and poultry meat (high performance liquid chromatography)
Jinlin Provincial Food Standard of the People's Republic of China, Chromatographic factors
- DBS22/ 003-2012 Determination of Androgen in Raw Milk by Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry
Hebei Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, Chromatographic factors
- DB13/T 5221-2020 Determination of Oxytetracycline, Chlortetracycline, Tetracycline, Doxycycline and Metamycin in Soil by High Performance Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry
RU-GOST R, Chromatographic factors
- GOST R 52613-2006 Coffee. Determination of caffeine content. Method using high-performance liquid chromatography
- GOST 33660-2015 Fans. Efficiency classification
- GOST 34151-2017 Foodstuffs. Determination of vitamin C by high performance liquid chromatography
- GOST EN 12857-2015 Foodstuffs. Determination of cyclamate. High performance liquid chromatographic method
- GOST 34148-2017 Canned fruits. Determination of synthetic colours erythrosine and phloxine B colour spresence by thin-layer chromatography method
Shanghai Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, Chromatographic factors
- DB31/ 2010-2012 Determination of papaverine, morphine, narcotine, codeine and thebaine in hot pot food by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry
- DB31/T 138-8-1994 Total Bilirubin Determination Kit for Clinical Chemistry (Caffeine Colorimetric Method)
- DB31/T 1178-2019 Determination of Microcystins in Source Water by Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry
American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), Chromatographic factors
- ASTM D4626-95(2005) Standard Practice for Calculation of Gas Chromatographic Response Factors
- ASTM D4626-23 Standard Practice for Calculation of Gas Chromatographic Response Factors
- ASTM D4626-95(2010) Standard Practice for Calculation of Gas Chromatographic Response Factors
- ASTM RR-D02-1200 1986 D4626-Standard Practice for Calculation of Gas Chromatographic Response Factors
Korean Agency for Technology and Standards (KATS), Chromatographic factors
- KS H ISO 10095:2011 Coffee-Determination of caffeine content- Method using high-performance liquid chromatography
- KS H ISO 10095:2007 Coffee-Determination of caffeine content- Method using high-performance liquid chromatography
International Organization for Standardization (ISO), Chromatographic factors
- ISO 13496:2000 Meat and meat products - Detection of colouring agents - Method using thin-layer chromatography
- ISO 10095:1992 Coffee; determination of caffeine content; method using high-performance liquid chromatography
- ISO/TS 16976-8:2013 Respiratory protective devices - Human factors - Part 8: Ergonomic factors
- ISO/CIE DIS 28077 Photocarcinogenesis action spectrum (non-melanoma skin cancers)
- ISO 16976-8:2023 Respiratory protective devices — Human factors — Part 8: Ergonomic factors
- ISO/CIE 28077:2024 Photocarcinogenesis action spectrum (non-melanoma skin cancers)
- ISO 28077:2006 Photocarcinogenesis action spectrum (non-melanoma skin cancers)
- ISO 19746:2017 Determination of urea content in urea-based fertilizers by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)
其他未分類(lèi), Chromatographic factors
- BJS 202103 Determination of streptomycin and dihydrostreptomycin in honey by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry
Xinjiang Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, Chromatographic factors
- DB65/T 4370-2021 Water Quality Determination of Erythrophyll and Penicillin by Liquid Chromatography-Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometry
KR-KS, Chromatographic factors
- KS H ISO 10095-2007 Coffee-Determination of caffeine content- Method using high-performance liquid chromatography
Agricultural Standard of the People's Republic of China, Chromatographic factors
UNKNOWN, Chromatographic factors
IX-ICAO, Chromatographic factors
- ICAO 247-1993 Human Factors Digest No. 10 - Human Factors, Management and Organization
- ICAO 249-1994 Human Factors Digest No. 11 - Human Factors in CNS/ATM Systems
- ICAO 300-2003 Human Factors Digest No. 15 - Human Factors in Cabin Safety
- ICAO 302-2004 Human Factors Digest No. 16 - Cross-Cultural Factors in Aviation Safety
- ICAO 241-1993 Human Factors Digest No. 8 - Human Factors in Air Traffic Control
- ICAO 253-1995 Human Factors Digest No. 12 - Human Factors in Aircraft Maintenance and Inspection
- ICAO 240-1993 Human Factors Digest No. 7 - Investigation of Human Factors in Accidents and Incidents
GOST, Chromatographic factors
- GOST 33682-2015 Food products. Determination of T-2 toxin by chromatographic method
- GOST R EN 12857-2010 Foodstuffs. Determination of cyclamate. High performance liquid chromatographic method
HU-MSZT, Chromatographic factors
農(nóng)業(yè)農(nóng)村部, Chromatographic factors
- NY/T 3101-2017 Determination of Monascus Pigments in Meat Products by High Performance Liquid Chromatography
- NY/T 3147-2017 Determination of epinephrine and isoproterenol in feed liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry
- NY/T 3564-2020 Determination of rice aspergivirin by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry
- NY/T 3170-2017 Determination of lentinin content in shiitake mushrooms using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry
- NY/T 3320-2018 Determination of 8 fat-soluble pigments including Sudan red in feed liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry
- NY/T 3872-2021 Determination of L-ergothioneine in edible fungi by ultra-high performance liquid chromatography
- NY/T 3803-2020 Determination of 37 mycotoxins in feed by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry
- NY/T 3951-2021 Determination of solanine content in potatoes by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry
- NY/T 4124-2022 Determination of T-2 and HT-2 toxins in feed liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry
CZ-CSN, Chromatographic factors
- CSN 83 2001-1981 Labour protection. Hazardous and noxious factors of production. Classification
中華全國(guó)供銷(xiāo)合作總社, Chromatographic factors
- GH/T 1293-2020 Determination of red pigment content of roselle by high performance liquid chromatography
- GH/T 1108-2015 Determination of Ochratoxin A in Bee Pollen by High Performance Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry/Mass Spectrometry
Tianjin Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, Chromatographic factors
- DB12/T 952-2020 Detection method of antibiotic residues in pig manure by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry/mass spectrometry
ESDU - Engineering Sciences Data Unit, Chromatographic factors
National Health Commission of the People's Republic of China, Chromatographic factors
- GB 23200.74-2016 National food safety standards— Determination of validamycin residue in foods Liquid chromatography - mass spectrometry
- GB 23200.20-2016 National food safety standards— Determination of abamectin residue in foods Liquid chromatography - mass spectrometry
- GB 23200.73-2016 National food safety standards— Determination of rotenone and azadirachtin residues in foods Liquid chromatography - mass spectrometry
Yunnan Provincial Food Standard of the People's Republic of China, Chromatographic factors
- DBS53/ 016-2013 Determination of Patulin in Food by Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry
GSO, Chromatographic factors
- BH GSO ISO 28077:2016 Photocarcinogenesis action spectrum (non-melanoma skin cancers)
- OS GSO ISO 28077:2015 Photocarcinogenesis action spectrum (non-melanoma skin cancers)
- GSO ISO 28077:2015 Photocarcinogenesis action spectrum (non-melanoma skin cancers)
- GSO ISO/TS 16976-8:2015 Respiratory protective devices -- Human factors -- Part 8: Ergonomic factors
- OS GSO ISO/TS 16976-8:2015 Respiratory protective devices -- Human factors -- Part 8: Ergonomic factors
- GSO ISO 15632:2015 Microbeam analysis -- Selected instrumental performance parameters for the specification and checking of energy-dispersive X-ray spectrometers for use in electron probe microanalysis
- BH GSO ISO/TS 16976-8:2017 Respiratory protective devices -- Human factors -- Part 8: Ergonomic factors
- GSO ISO 10727:2007 Tea and instant tea in solid form- Determination of caffeine content – method using high performance liquid chromatography
Indonesia Standards, Chromatographic factors
Professional Standard - Hygiene , Chromatographic factors
- WS/T 478-2024 Determination of serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D2 and D3 by isotope dilution liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry
- WS/T 478-2015 Operating guidelines for measurement of serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D<下標(biāo)3>.Isotope dilution liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry
Military Standard of the People's Republic of China-General Armament Department, Chromatographic factors
- GJB 8894.2-2017 Determination methods of natural environmental factors Part 2: Seawater environmental factors
- GJB 8894.1-2017 Determination methods of natural environmental factors Part 1: Atmospheric environmental factors
North Atlantic Treaty Organization Standards Agency, Chromatographic factors
Danish Standards Foundation, Chromatographic factors
Lithuanian Standards Office , Chromatographic factors
Australian/New Zealand Standard (AU-AS/NZS), Chromatographic factors
Jiangxi Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, Chromatographic factors
- DB36/T 1841-2023 Determination of three tetracycline antibiotics in soil by high performance liquid chromatography-triple quadrupole mass spectrometry
Occupational Health Standard of the People's Republic of China, Chromatographic factors
- GBZ 2.2-2007 Occupational exposure limits for hazardous agents in the workplace part 2:physical agents
- GBZ 2.1-2019 Occupational exposure limits for hazardous agents in the workplace — Part 1: Chemical hazardous agents
Inner Mongolia Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, Chromatographic factors
- DB15/T 2112-2021 Determination of Oxytetracycline, Tetracycline and Chlortetracycline Residues in Soil by High Performance Liquid Chromatography
Guangdong Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, Chromatographic factors
- DB44/T 416-2007 Determiation of chloramphenicol,thiamphenicol and florfenicol residues in meat and meat products using liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry
CEN - European Committee for Standardization, Chromatographic factors
Hunan Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, Chromatographic factors
- DB43/T 2587-2023 Determination of chloramphenicol residues in silkworm excrement by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry
- DB43/T 2792-2023 Determination of avermectin and ivermectin in fishery waters and sediments by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry
- DB43/T 2195-2021 Determination of Cocaine and Benzoylecgonine in Water Environment by Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry
Fujian Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, Chromatographic factors
- DB35/T 1141-2011 Determination of virginiamycin M1 in feed by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry
YU-JUS, Chromatographic factors
IET - Institution of Engineering and Technology, Chromatographic factors
Professional Standard - Tobacco, Chromatographic factors
- YC/T 382-2010 Tobacco and tobacco products.Determination of plastid pigments.High performance liquid chromatographic method
Aeronautical Radio Inc., Chromatographic factors
NATO - North Atlantic Treaty Organization, Chromatographic factors
- ANEP-25-1990 Guidelines for Environmental Factors in NATO Surface Ships (Acoustical@ Climatic@ Vibration@ Colour@ Illumination) (To obtain please contact your national Defense Standardization Office or the NATO Standardization Office website: http:/ so.nato.int so@ Ph
European Committee for Standardization (CEN), Chromatographic factors
- EN 14148:2003 Foodstuffs - Determination of vitamin K1 by HPLC
- EN 14152:2014 Foodstuffs - Determination of vitamin B2 by high performance liquid chromatography
- EN 12821:2009 Foodstuffs - Determination of vitamin D by high performance liquid chromatography - Measurement of cholecalciferol (D3) or ergocalciferol (D2)
工業(yè)和信息化部, Chromatographic factors
- HG/T 5170-2017 Isotope Abundance Determination of Stable Isotope Deuterium Labeling Reagent Halogenated Benzene by Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry
GOSTR, Chromatographic factors
- GOST 31694-2012 Food products, food raw materials. Method of determination of the antibiotic residues of tetracycline group by High performance Liquid Chromatography. Mass spectrometry
Professional Standard - Business, Chromatographic factors
- SB/T 10500-2008 Determination of Oxytetracycline in Feed - High Performance Liquid Chromatography
VN-TCVN, Chromatographic factors
- TCVN 5164-2008 Foodstuffs.Determination of vitamin B1 by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)