DEFrontier peak in particle size distribution
Frontier peak in particle size distribution, Total:104 items.
In the international standard classification, Frontier peak in particle size distribution involves: Analytical chemistry, Particle size analysis. Sieving, Construction materials, Environmental protection, Ceramics, Raw materials for rubber and plastics, Paints and varnishes, Soil quality. Pedology, Physics. Chemistry, Road engineering, Natural gas, Fuels, Cutting tools, Rubber.
PL-PKN, Frontier peak in particle size distribution
- PN C04424-1970 Pigmen?? Determination ot particie size ditlribution
- PN C04424-02-1985 Pigments Determination of particie size distribution Microscopic method-simple
- PN C04424-04-1985 Pigments Determination of particie size distribution Filtration on filter paper
- PN C04424-06-1987 Rgments Determination of particie sizedistribution Grindometric method
- PN C04424-05-1985 Pigments Determination of particie size distribution Flow-out single drop of suspension
Korean Agency for Technology and Standards (KATS), Frontier peak in particle size distribution
- KS I 2215-2011 Measuring method for particle-size distribution of dusts in flue gas
- KS A ISO 9276-2-2014(2019) Representation of results of particle size analysis — Part 2: Calculation of average particle sizes/diameters and moments from particle size distributions
- KS A 0095-2007 Determination of particle size distribution by the weight of sedimentation in liquid
- KS A ISO 9276-2-2019 Representation of results of particle size analysis — Part 2: Calculation of average particle sizes/diameters and moments from particle size distributions
- KS A 0095-2007(2017) Determination of particle size distribution by the weight of sedimentation in liquid
General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People‘s Republic of China, Frontier peak in particle size distribution
- GB/T 22231-2008 Particle Size Distribution/Fiber Length and Diameter Distribution
- GB/T 15445.2-2006 Representation of results of particle size analysis - Part 2: Calculation of average particle sizes/diameters and moments from particle size distibutions
- GB/T 43502.1-2023 Determination of natural gas particulate matter Part 1: Determination of particle size distribution by optical methods
American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), Frontier peak in particle size distribution
- ASTM D2862-97 Standard Test Method for Particle Size Distribution of Granular Activated Carbon
- ASTM D2862-97(2004) Standard Test Method for Particle Size Distribution of Granular Activated Carbon
- ASTM UOP854-85 Size Distribution of Solid Phosphoric Acid Catalyst
- ASTM E1037-15 Standard Test Method for Measuring Particle Size Distribution of RDF-5
- ASTM E2834-12(2022) Standard Guide for Measurement of Particle Size Distribution of Nanomaterials in Suspension by Nanoparticle Tracking Analysis (NTA)
- ASTM E2834-12(2018) Standard Guide for Measurement of Particle Size Distribution of Nanomaterials in Suspension by Nanoparticle Tracking Analysis (NTA)
- ASTM D1511-10 Standard Test Method for Carbon Black&8212;Pellet Size Distribution
- ASTM E2834-12 Standard Guide for Measurement of Particle Size Distribution of Nanomaterials in Suspension by Nanoparticle Tracking Analysis (NTA)
- ASTM E2578-07 Standard Practice for Calculation of Mean Sizes/Diameters and Standard Deviations of Particle Size Distributions
- ASTM D6913-04e2 Standard Test Methods for Particle-Size Distribution (Gradation) of Soils Using Sieve Analysis
- ASTM D6913/D6913M-17 Standard Test Methods for Particle-Size Distribution (Gradation) of Soils Using Sieve Analysis
- ASTM D5644-01(2008) Standard Test Methods for Rubber Compounding Materials Determination of Particle Size Distribution of Recycled Vulcanizate Particulate Rubber
ACI - American Concrete Institute, Frontier peak in particle size distribution
SCC, Frontier peak in particle size distribution
- DANSK DS/EN ISO 17830:2016 Solid biofuels – Particle size distrst?rrelsebution of disintegrated pellets
- DIN EN 16126 E:2010 Draft Document - Solid biofuels - Determination of the particle size distribution of disintegrated pellets; German version prEN 16126:2010
- BS PD CEN/TS 17434:2020 Ambient air. Determination of the particle number size distribution of atmospheric aerosol using a Mobility Particle Size Spectrometer (MPSS)
- SN-CEN/TS 17434:2020 Ambient air — Determination of the particle number size distribution of atmospheric aerosol using a Mobility Particle Size Spectrometer (MPSS)
- DANSK DS/CEN/TS 17434:2020 Ambient air – Determination of the particle number size distribution of atmospheric aerosol using a Mobility Particle Size Spectrometer (MPSS)
- DANSK DS/ISO 9276-2:2014 Representation of results of particle size analysis - Calculation of average particle sizes/diameters and moments from particle size distributions
- VDI 3867 BLATT 5-2013 Measuring particles in the outside air — Determination of particle number concentration and number size distribution of aerosols — Time of flight spectrometer
- VDI 3867 BLATT 4-2011 Measuring particles in the outside air — Determination of particle number concentration and number size distribution of aerosols — Optical aerosol spectrometer
- AWWA JAW19476 Journal AWWA — Influence of Floc Size Distribution on Clarification
- VDI 3867 BLATT 4-2011 Measuring particles in the outside air — Determination of particle number concentration and number size distribution of aerosols — Optical aerosol spectrometer
- VDI 3867 BLATT 3-2012 Measuring particles in the outside air — Determination of particle number concentration and number size distribution of aerosols — Electrical mobility spectrometer
- VDI 3867 BLATT 2-2008 Measuring particles in the outside air — Characterization of test aerosols — Determination of particle number concentration and number size distribution — Condensation particle counter (CPC)
SE-SIS, Frontier peak in particle size distribution
Association Francaise de Normalisation, Frontier peak in particle size distribution
- NF X11-635:1985 Size analysis-Representation of particle size distributions - Reference models
- NF T45-153*NF ISO 8511:2011 Rubber compounding ingredients - Carbon black - Determination of pellet size distribution
- NF ISO 11277:2020 Soil quality - Determination of the particle size distribution of mineral matter in soils - Sieving and sedimentation method
- NF X31-107:2003 Soil quality - Determination of the particle size distribution of soil particles - Pipette method
- XP CEN/TS 17434:2020 Ambient air - Determination of the particle size distribution of an atmospheric aerosol using an electrical mobility particle size spectrometer (MPSS)
- NF EN 15428:2007 Soil amendments and growing media - Determination of particle size distribution
- NF X31-516:2007 Qualité du sol - Fractionnement granulodensimétrique des matières organiques particulaires du sol dans l'eau
- NF P18-622-1:1997 Tests for geometrical properties of aggregates. Part 1 : determination of particle size distribution. Sieving method.
- NF X11-632-2:2001 Representation of results of particle size analysis - Part 2 : calculation of average particle sizes/diameters and moments from particle size distributions.
GSO, Frontier peak in particle size distribution
- GSO ISO 15900:2013 Determination of particle size distribution -- Differential electrical mobility analysis for aerosol particles
- BH GSO ISO 15900:2016 Determination of particle size distribution -- Differential electrical mobility analysis for aerosol particles
- OS GSO ISO 15900:2013 Determination of particle size distribution -- Differential electrical mobility analysis for aerosol particles
- OS GSO ISO 9276-2:2013 Representation of results of particle size analysis -- Part 2: Calculation of average particle sizes/diameters and moments from particle size distributions
- BH GSO ISO 9276-2:2016 Representation of results of particle size analysis -- Part 2: Calculation of average particle sizes/diameters and moments from particle size distributions
- GSO ISO 9276-2:2013 Representation of results of particle size analysis -- Part 2: Calculation of average particle sizes/diameters and moments from particle size distributions
ZA-SANS, Frontier peak in particle size distribution
- SANS 6241:2006 Particle size distribution of material of diameter smaller than 75 ?m in fine aggregate (hydrometer method)
RU-GOST R, Frontier peak in particle size distribution
- GOST 33399-2015 Testing of chemicals of environmental hazard. Determination of the particle size distribution/determination of the fibre length and diameter distribution. Method A: Particle size distribution (effective hydrodynamic radius). Method B: Fibre length and dia
- GOST ISO 8511-2013 Rubber compounding ingredients. Carbon black. Determination of pellet size distribution
AENOR, Frontier peak in particle size distribution
- UNE 53014:2012 Plastic materials. Determination of particle size and its distribution
International Organization for Standardization (ISO), Frontier peak in particle size distribution
- ISO 9276-2:2001 Representation of results of particle size analysis - Part 2: Calculation of average particle sizes/diameters and moments from particle size distributions
- ISO 9276-2:2014 Representation of results of particle size analysis - Part 2: Calculation of average particle sizes/diameters and moments from particle size distributions
- ISO 8511:1995 Rubber compounding ingredients - Carbon black - Determination of pellet size distribution
- ISO/DIS 19430 Determination of particle size distribution and number concentration by particle tracking analysis (PTA)
- ISO 21501-3:2007 Determination of particle size distribution - Single particle light interaction methods - Part 3: Light extinction liquid-borne particle counter
- ISO 21501-2:2007 Determination of particle size distribution - Single particle light interaction methods - Part 2: Light scattering liquid-borne particle counter
Danish Standards Foundation, Frontier peak in particle size distribution
- DS/ISO 15900:2020 Determination of particle size distribution – Differential electrical mobility analysis for aerosol particles
IN-BIS, Frontier peak in particle size distribution
- IS 6339-1971 Analytical methods for sediment concentration, particle size distribution and specific gravity in rivers and channels
Japanese Industrial Standards Committee (JISC), Frontier peak in particle size distribution
- JIS R 1639-1:1999 Test methods of properties of fine ceramic granules Part 1: Size distribution of granules
- JIS Z 8820:1990 General rules for the determination of particle size distribution by sedimentation in liquid
- JIS Z 8819-2:2001 Representation of results of particle size analysis -- Part 2: Calculation of average particle sizes/diameters and moments from particle size distributions
British Standards Institution (BSI), Frontier peak in particle size distribution
- BS ISO 1304:2016 Rubber compounding ingredients. Carbon black. Determination of iodine adsorption number
- BS ISO 1304:2006 Rubber compounding ingredients - Carbon black - Determination of iodine adsorption number
- PD CEN/TS 17434:2020 Ambient air. Determination of the particle number size distribution of atmospheric aerosol using a Mobility Particle Size Spectrometer (MPSS)
- BS ISO 9276-2:2001 Representation of results of particle size analysis - Calculation of average particle sizes/diameters and moments from particle size distributions
- BS ISO 9276-2:2014 Representation of results of particle size analysis. Calculation of average particle sizes/diameters and moments from particle size distributions
- PD ISO/TS 23151:2021 Nanotechnologies. Particle size distribution for cellulose nanocrystals
- BS EN 12697-2:2015 Bituminous mixtures. Test methods. Determination of particle size distribution
- BS EN 12697-2:2015+A1:2019 Bituminous mixtures. Test methods. Determination of particle size distribution
- 18/30332191 DC BS ISO 11277. Soil quality. Determination of particle size distribution in mineral soil material. Method by sieving and sedimentation
- BS DD CEN/TS 15415:2006 Solid recovered fuels - Determination of particle size and particle size distribution by screen method
- BS ISO 8486-1:1997 Bond abrasives. Determination and designation of grain size distribution. Macrogrits F4 to F220
- BS ISO 8486-1:1996 Bond abrasives. Determination and designation of grain size distribution. Macrogrits F4 to F220
- 23/30456345 DC BS ISO 11277 AMD 1. Soil quality. Determination of particle size distribution in mineral soil material. Method by sieving and sedimentation
- BS ISO 13319-1:2021 Determination of particle size distribution. Electrical sensing zone method. Aperture/orifice tube method
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), Frontier peak in particle size distribution
- IEEE P2426/D6.1, September 2023 IEEE Draft Guide for Field Measurement of Fast-Front and Very Fast-Front Overvoltages in Electric Power System —Part 1: Measuring techniques
- IEEE P2426 IEEE Draft Guide for Field Measurement of Fast-Front and Very Fast-Front Overvoltages in Electric Power System —Part 1: Measuring techniques
German Institute for Standardization, Frontier peak in particle size distribution
- DIN CEN/TS 17434:2020-06 Ambient air - Determination of the particle number size distribution of atmospheric aerosol using a Mobility Particle Size Spectrometer (MPSS); German version CEN/TS 17434:2020
- DIN ISO 9276-2:2018-09 Representation of results of particle size analysis - Part 2: Calculation of average particle sizes/diameters and moments from particle size distributions (ISO 9276-2:2014)
- DIN ISO 9276-2:2018 Representation of results of particle size analysis - Part 2: Calculation of average particle sizes/diameters and moments from particle size distributions (ISO 9276-2:2014)
- DIN ISO 9276-2:2006 Representation of results of particle size analysis - Part 2: Calculation of average particle sizes/diameters and moments from particle size distributions (ISO 9276-2:2001);English version of DIN ISO 9276-2:2006-02
ES-UNE, Frontier peak in particle size distribution
- UNE-CEN/TS 17434:2020 Ambient air - Determination of the particle number size distribution of atmospheric aerosol using a Mobility Particle Size Spectrometer (MPSS) (Endorsed by Asociación Espa?ola de Normalización in May of 2020.)
Universal Oil Products Company?(UOP), Frontier peak in particle size distribution
US-FCR, Frontier peak in particle size distribution
European Committee for Standardization (CEN), Frontier peak in particle size distribution
- prEN 933-1-1992 Tests for geometrical properties of aggregates; part 1: determination of particle size distribution; granulometric analysis (sieving method)
未注明發布機構, Frontier peak in particle size distribution
- DIN ISO 9276-2 E:2018-01 Representation of results of particle size analysis - Part 2: Calculation of average particle sizes/diameters and moments from particle size distributions
- ASTM RR-E56-1001 2009 E2490-Guide for Measurement of Particle Size Distribution of Nanomaterials in Suspension by Photon Correlation Spectroscopy (PCS)
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Frontier peak in particle size distribution
- NASA NACA-RM-A50K28 REV A-1951 The effects of increasing the leading-edge radius and adding forward camber on the aerodynamic characteristics of a wing with 35 degrees of sweepback
YU-JUS, Frontier peak in particle size distribution
- JUS K.F0.081-1989 Grains of diamond and cubic boroo nitri?e for bonded abrasive products. Grain sizes dlstribution and designat ion