






Dust particle detection

Dust particle detection, Total:39 items.

In the international standard classification, Dust particle detection involves: Pesticides and other agrochemicals, Air quality, Raw materials for rubber and plastics, Rubber and plastics products, Construction materials, Particle size analysis. Sieving, Fertilizers, Pharmaceutics, Welding, brazing and soldering.

General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People‘s Republic of China, Dust particle detection

VDI - Verein Deutscher Ingenieure, Dust particle detection

  • VDI 2066 BLATT 1-2019 Messen von Partikeln - Staubmessung in stroemenden Gasen - Gravimetrische Bestimmung der Staubbeladung

HU-MSZT, Dust particle detection

  • MSZ 21861/4-1976 Air pollution detection in work areas. Definition of microscopic content of dust particles
  • MNOSZ 19002-1954 Detection of air dust pollutant content. Dust powder detection
  • MSZ 21454/1-1973 Detection of air dust pollutant content. Dust powder detection
  • MSZ 12792/2-1971 Particle Determination Inspection of Particle Drilling Materials

Association of German Mechanical Engineers, Dust particle detection

  • VDI 2066 Blatt 1-2006 Particulate matter measurement - Dust measurement in flowing gases - Gravimetric determination of dust load

Korean Agency for Technology and Standards (KATS), Dust particle detection

SCC, Dust particle detection

  • VDI 3954 BLATT 3-2023 Effects of particles on technical products — Properties of test dusts for product qualification — Quartz (dust)
  • VDI 3954 BLATT 3-2023 Effects of particles on technical products — Properties of test dusts for product qualification — Quartz (dust)
  • VDI 2268 BLATT 3-1988 Determination of substances on particles; determination of thallium in emitted dust using atomic absorption spectrometry
  • VDI 2066 BLATT 5-1994 Measuring particles — dust measurement in flowing gases; Fractional dust measurement using the impaction method — cascade impactor
  • VDI 3861 BLATT 1-1989 Measuring fibrous particles; Manual asbestos dust measurement in flowing clean gas; IR spectrographic determination of asbestos dust mass concentration
  • VDI 2066 BLATT 5-1994 Measuring particles — dust measurement in flowing gases; Fractional dust measurement using the impaction method — cascade impactor
  • BS 5540-2:1992 Evaluating particulate contamination of hydraulic fluids-Method of calibrating liquid automatic particle-count instruments (using AC Fine Test Dust contaminant)

YU-JUS, Dust particle detection

  • JUS H.P5.011-1991 Testing of pesticides.Dusts,granules,microgranules and water-dispersible powder.Determination of bulk density

SAE - SAE International, Dust particle detection

  • SAE ARP743B-2001 Procedure for the Determination of Particulate Contamination of Air in Dust Controlled Spaces by the Manual Particle Count Method
  • SAE ARP743C-2010 Procedure for the Determination of Particulate Contamination of Air in Dust Controlled Spaces by the Manual Particle Count Method

American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), Dust particle detection

  • ASTM D7486-14 Standard Test Method for Measurement of Fines and Dust Particles on Plastic Pellets by Wet Analysis
  • ASTM D7486-08 Standard Test Method for Measurement of Fines and Dust Particles on Plastic Pellets by Wet Analysis
  • ASTM D7486-08(2013)e1 Standard Test Method for Measurement of Fines and Dust Particles on Plastic Pellets by Wet Analysis
  • ASTM D7486-22 Standard Test Method for Measurement of Fines and Dust Particles on Plastic Pellets by Wet Analysis

Occupational Health Standard of the People's Republic of China, Dust particle detection

  • GBZ/T 192.6-2018 Determination of dust in the air of workplaces - Part 6: Ultrafine particles and total fine particle concentration

ASHRAE - American Society of Heating@ Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers@ Inc., Dust particle detection

  • ASHRAE 4465-2001 Particle Separation Efficiency of a Uniflow Deduster with Different Types of Dusts (RP-878)

CZ-CSN, Dust particle detection

GSO, Dust particle detection

  • OS GSO ASTM D1739:2013 Standard Test Method for collection and measurement of dustfall (settleable partculate matter)
  • BH GSO ASTM D1739:2015 Standard Test Method for collection and measurement of dustfall (settleable partculate matter)

PL-PKN, Dust particle detection

  • PN Z04097 Arkusz 04-1974 Air purity protection Tests for size composition of dust Determination of weight particie size of dust with the aid of sedimentation pipette
  • PN Z04097 Arkusz 06-1974 Air purity protection Tests for size composition of dust Determination of particie size of dust with the aid of rotary separator
  • PN C04828-1991 Agents for laundering and washing. Powders and granules. Determination of granulity

European Committee for Standardization (CEN), Dust particle detection

  • PD CEN/TS 16305:2012 Liming materials - Determination of the dust content of granular liming materials before and after simulated handling conditions

RO-ASRO, Dust particle detection

Group Standards of the People's Republic of China, Dust particle detection

Institute of Interconnecting and Packaging Electronic Circuits (IPC), Dust particle detection

SE-SIS, Dust particle detection

British Standards Institution (BSI), Dust particle detection

  • DD CEN/TS 16305:2012 Liming materials. Determination of the dust content of granular liming materials before and after simulated handling conditions

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