






Aluminum Hydroxide UV

Aluminum Hydroxide UV, Total:69 items.

In the international standard classification, Aluminum Hydroxide UV involves: Products of non-ferrous metals, Inorganic chemicals, Analytical chemistry, Surface treatment and coating, Road engineering, Paints and varnishes, Products of the chemical industry, Water quality, Non-ferrous metals, Veterinary medicine, Organic chemicals.

SCC, Aluminum Hydroxide UV

  • AWWA WQTC58833 Advanced Oxidation of Geosmin Using UV, Hydrogen Peroxide and Aluminum-based Coagulant
  • AWWA ACE70596 Simulation Tool Optimizes Advanced Oxidation Using UV Light and Hydrogen Peroxide
  • AWWA WQTC69302 Performance and Cost Modeling of Advanced Oxidation Using UV Light and Hydrogen Peroxide
  • AWWA WQTC60756 Comparing UV-Ozone and UV-Hydrogen Peroxide for the Reduction of the Disinfection Byproduct Formation Potential
  • AWWA WQTC56944 UV, Ozone, and Hydrogen Peroxide for the Control of Legionella in Cooling Towers
  • AWWA ACE61717 UV and UV/H2O2 Degradation and Subsequent Estrogenic Activity of EDCs in Water
  • AWWA ACE90067 Hydrogen Peroxide and Ultraviolet-Visible Irradiation for the Oxidation of Organic Environmental Contaminants
  • AWWA ACE63250 Evaluating Ozone and UV/Hydrogen Peroxide for Taste and Odor Control
  • AWWA WQTC52839 Treatment of N-Nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) by Pulsed-Ultraviolet (UV) Irradiation and Pulsed-UV/Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2) Processes
  • BS EN 881:1997 Chemicals used for treatment of water intended for human consumption. Aluminium chloride, aluminium chloride hydroxide and aluminium chloride hydroxide sulfate (monomeric)
  • NS-EN 881:1997 Chemicals used for treatment of water intended for human consumption — Aluminium chloride, aluminium chloride hydroxide and aluminium chloride hydroxide sulfate (monomeric)
  • NS-EN 883:1997 Chemicals used for treatment of water intended for human consumption — Polyaluminium chloride hydroxide and Polyaluminium chloride hydroxide sulfate
  • NS-EN 881:2004 Chemicals used for treatment of water intended for human consumption — Aluminium chloride (monomeric), aluminium chloride hydroxide (monomeric) and aluminium chloride hydroxide sulfate (monomeric)
  • DANSK DS/EN 881:2005 Chemicals used for treatment of water intended for human consumption – Aluminium chloride (monomeric), aluminium chloride hydroxide (monomeric) and aluminium chloride hydroxide sulfate (monomeric)

CZ-CSN, Aluminum Hydroxide UV

General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People‘s Republic of China, Aluminum Hydroxide UV

  • GB/T 4294-2010 Aluminium hydroxide
  • GB/T 4294-1997 Aluminium hydroxide
  • GB/T 12967.4-1991 Anodizing of aluminium and aluminium alloys--Determination of the fastness to ultraviolet light of coloured anodic oxidation coatings
  • GB/T 23195-2008 Determination method of catalase in bee pollen by ultraviolet spectrophotometry
  • GB/T 12967.4-2014 Test methods for anodic oxidation coatings of aluminium and aluminium alloys.Part 4:Determination of the comparative fastness to ultraviolet light and heat of coloured anodic oxidation coatings

PL-PKN, Aluminum Hydroxide UV

Professional Standard - Chemical Industry, Aluminum Hydroxide UV

Taiwan Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, Aluminum Hydroxide UV

US-FCR, Aluminum Hydroxide UV

International Organization for Standardization (ISO), Aluminum Hydroxide UV

  • ISO 6581:1980 Anodizing of aluminium and its alloys; Determination of the fastness to ultra-violet light of coloured anodic oxide coatings
  • ISO 6581:2018 Anodizing of aluminium and its alloys - Determination of the comparative fastness to ultraviolet light and heat of coloured anodic oxidation coatings
  • ISO 6581:2010 Anodizing of aluminium and its alloys - Determination of the comparative fastness to ultraviolet light and heat of coloured anodic oxidation coatings

Professional Standard - Non-ferrous Metal, Aluminum Hydroxide UV

  • YS/T 469-2004 Determination of whiteness of alumina and aluminum hydroxide
  • YS/T 534.5-2006 Determination of sodium oxide content by chemical analysis method of aluminum hydroxide

RO-ASRO, Aluminum Hydroxide UV

Professional Standard - Traffic, Aluminum Hydroxide UV

  • JT/T 1149-2017 Layered double hydroxides anti ultraviolet aging agent used for pavement asphalt

YU-JUS, Aluminum Hydroxide UV

  • JUS C.T7.221-1984 Anodic oxidation of aluminkim and aluminium alloys. Determinathn ofsodium hydroxida contant'and ahiminium in the sodium hydroxide bath

Japanese Industrial Standards Committee (JISC), Aluminum Hydroxide UV

  • JIS H 8685-2:2013 Anodizing of aluminium and its alloys -- Determination of the comparative fastness to ultraviolet light of coloured anodic oxidation coatings

Indonesia Standards, Aluminum Hydroxide UV

RU-GOST R, Aluminum Hydroxide UV

IN-BIS, Aluminum Hydroxide UV

AENOR, Aluminum Hydroxide UV

  • UNE-EN 881:2005 Chemicals used for treatment of water intended for human consumption - Aluminium chloride (monomeric), aluminium chloride hydroxide (monomeric) and aluminium chloride hydroxide sulfate (monomeric)
  • UNE-EN 883:2005 Chemicals used for treatment of water intended for human consumption - Polyaluminium chloride hydroxyde and polyaluminium chloride hydroxyde sulfate

European Committee for Standardization (CEN), Aluminum Hydroxide UV

  • EN 881:2004 Chemicals used for treatment of water intended for human consumption - Aluminium chloride (monomeric), aluminium chloride hydroxide (monomeric) and aluminium chloride hydroxide sulfate (monomeric)
  • EN 881:1997 Chemicals Used for Treatment of Water Intended for Human Consumption - Aluminium Chloride, Aluminium Chloride Hydroxide and Aluminium Chloride Hydroxide Sulfate (Monomeric)
  • EN 17034:2018 Chemicals used for treatment of water intended for human consumption - Aluminium chloride anhydrous@ aluminium chloride basic@ dialuminium chloride pentahydroxide and aluminium chloride hydroxide sulfate
  • prEN 883-1992 Polyaluminium hydroxidechloride and hydroxidechloridesulfate used for water intended for human consumption
  • prEN 881-1992 Aluminium chloride, hydroxidechloride and hydroxidechloridesulfate (monomeric) used for treatment of water intended for human consumption

Danish Standards Foundation, Aluminum Hydroxide UV

  • DS/ISO 6581:1988 Anodizing of aluminium and its alloys. Determination of the fastness to ultra-violet light of coloured anodic oxide coatings
  • DS/EN 881:2005 Chemicals used for treatment of water intended for human consumption - Aluminium chloride (monomeric), aluminium chloride hydroxide (monomeric) and aluminium chloride hydroxide sulfate (monomeric)

工業和信息化部, Aluminum Hydroxide UV

British Standards Institution (BSI), Aluminum Hydroxide UV

  • BS EN ISO 6581:2010 Anodizing of aluminium and its alloys. Determination of the comparative fastness to ultraviolet light and heat of coloured anodic oxidation coatings

PT-IPQ, Aluminum Hydroxide UV

  • NP EN 12373-8-2001 Aluminium and aluminium alloys Anodizing Part 8:Determination of the comparative fastness to ultra-voilet light and heat of coloured anodic oxidation coatings

CEN - European Committee for Standardization, Aluminum Hydroxide UV

  • EN ISO 6581:2018 Anodizing of aluminium and its alloys - Determination of the comparative fastness to ultraviolet light and heat of coloured anodic oxidation coatings

Association Francaise de Normalisation, Aluminum Hydroxide UV

  • NF A91-487:2010 Anodizing of aluminium and its alloys - Determination of the comparative fastness to ultraviolet light and heat of coloured anodic oxidation coatings.
  • NF T94-101*NF EN 17034:2018 Chemicals used for treatment of water intended for human consumption - Aluminium chloride anhydrous, aluminium chloride basic, dialuminium chloride pentahydroxide and aluminium chloride hydroxide sulfate

German Institute for Standardization, Aluminum Hydroxide UV

  • DIN EN 17034:2018 Chemicals used for treatment of water intended for human consumption - Aluminium chloride anhydrous, aluminium chloride basic, dialuminium chloride pentahydroxide and aluminium chloride hydroxide sulfate

Professional Standard - Agriculture, Aluminum Hydroxide UV

HU-MSZT, Aluminum Hydroxide UV

  • MSZ KGST 1876-1979 Determination of oxidizing acid and aluminum oxide content of industrial sodium hydroxide

SE-SIS, Aluminum Hydroxide UV

  • SIS SS-ISO 6581:1985 Anodizing of aluminium and its alloys - Determination of the fastness to ultra-violet light of coloured anodic oxide coatings

Lithuanian Standards Office , Aluminum Hydroxide UV

  • LST EN 881-2004 Chemicals used for treatment of water intended for human consumption - Aluminium chloride (monomeric), aluminium chloride hydroxide (monomeric) and aluminium chloride hydroxide sulfate (monomeric)

Universal Oil Products Company?(UOP), Aluminum Hydroxide UV

  • UOP 987-2015 Low Trace Sulfur in Liquid Hydrocarbons by Oxidative Combustion with Ultraviolet Fluorescence Detection

未注明發布機構, Aluminum Hydroxide UV

  • DIN EN ISO 6581 E:2017-11 Determination of the comparative fastness of anodized colored anodized coatings of aluminum and aluminum alloys to ultraviolet light and heat (draft)

American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), Aluminum Hydroxide UV

  • ASTM UOP987-11 Low Trace Sulfur in Liquid Hydrocarbons by Oxidative Combustion with Ultraviolet Fluorescence Detection

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