






parameters of the blood

parameters of the blood, Total:80 items.

In the international standard classification, parameters of the blood involves: Thermodynamics and temperature measurements, Laboratory medicine, Quality, Medical equipment, Medical sciences and health care facilities in general.

Professional Standard - Agriculture, parameters of the blood

German Institute for Standardization, parameters of the blood

  • DIN 58931:2021-09 Haematology - Determination of haemoglobin concentration in blood - Reference method; Text in German and English
  • DIN 58931:2021 Haematology - Determination of haemoglobin concentration in blood - Reference method; Text in German and English
  • DIN 12750:1969-02 Blood dilution pipettes for blood corpuscles counting
  • DIN 58987:2024-04 Haemostaseology - Reference method for the Von Willebrand Factor antigen; Text in German and English
  • DIN 58987:2023-04 Haemostaseology - Reference method for the Von Willebrand Factor antigen; Text in German and English / Note: Date of issue 2023-03-03*Intended as replacement for DIN 58987 (2010-03).
  • DIN 58988:2024-04 Haemostaseology - Reference method for the Von Willebrand Factor multimers; Text in German and English
  • DIN 58932-5:2007 Haematology - Determination of the concentration of blood corpuscles in blood - Part 5: Reference method for the determination of the concentration of thrombocytes; Text in German and English
  • DIN 58988:2023-04 Haemostaseology - Reference method for the Von Willebrand Factor multimers; Text in German and English / Note: Date of issue 2023-03-03*Intended as replacement for DIN 58988 (2010-03).
  • DIN 58932-5:2007-10 Haematology - Determination of the concentration of blood corpuscles in blood - Part 5: Reference method for the determination of the concentration of thrombocytes; Text in German and English
  • DIN 12750:1969 Blood dilution pipettes for blood corpuscles counting
  • DIN 58939-1:2000-03 Haemostaseology - Reference plasma - Part 1: Requirements, preparation
  • DIN 58987:2010-03 Haemostaseology - Reference method for the VWF antigen; Text in German and English
  • DIN 58932-3:2017-01 Haematology - Determination of the concentration of blood corpuscles in blood - Part 3: Reference method for the determination of the concentration of erythrozytes; Text in German and English
  • DIN 58932-3:2023-07 Haematology - Determination of the concentration of blood corpuscles in blood - Part 3: Reference method for the determination of the concentration of erythrocytes; Text in German and English / Note: Date of issue 2023-06-02*Intended as replacement for...
  • DIN 58932-3:2024 Haematology - Determination of the concentration of blood corpuscles in blood - Part 3: Reference method for the determination of the concentration of erythrocytes; Text in German and English
  • DIN 58933-1:1995-01 Haematology - Procedure for determining the volume fraction of erythrocytes (packed cell volume) in blood - Part 1: Reference method based on centrifugation
  • DIN 58932-4:2003-07 Haematology - Determination of the concentration of blood corpuscles in blood - Part 4: Reference procedure for the determination of the concentration of leucocytes
  • DIN 58988:2010-03 Haemostaseology - Reference method for the VWF multimeres; Text in German and English
  • DIN 58932-3:2023 Haematology - Determination of the concentration of blood corpuscles in blood - Part 3: Reference method for the determination of the concentration of erythrocytes; Text in German and English
  • DIN 58987:2023 Haemostaseology - Reference method for the Von Willebrand Factor antigen; Text in German and English
  • DIN 58932-2:1998 Haematology - Determination of the concentration of blood corpuscles in blood - Part 2: Characteristic quantities for erythrocytes (erythrocyte indices)
  • DIN 58932-6:2021 Haematology - Determination of the concentration of blood corpuscles in blood - Part 6: Reference method for the determination of the concentration of CD4 positive lymphocytes; Text in German and English
  • DIN 58932-6:2021-08 Haematology - Determination of the concentration of blood corpuscles in blood - Part 6: Reference method for the determination of the concentration of CD4 positive lymphocytes; Text in German and English
  • DIN 58910-4:2000-03 Haemostaseology - Determination of thromboplastin (prothrombin) time - Part 4: Reference measurement procedure for the determination in capillary blood

Group Standards of the People's Republic of China, parameters of the blood

  • T/QYSJLXH 002-2019 Calibration specification for temperature parameters of blood refrigerator

SCC, parameters of the blood

  • DIN 58932-3 E:2016 Draft Document - Haematology - Determination of the concentration of blood corpuscles in blood - Part 3: Reference method for the determination of the concentration of erythrozytes; Text in German and English
  • DIN 58931 E:2021 Draft Document - Haematology - Determination of haemoglobin concentration in blood - Reference method; Text in German and English
  • DIN 58987 E:2008 Draft Document - Haemostaseology - Reference method for the VWF antigen
  • CAN/CSA Z364.1.1/Z364.1.2-1994(R2006) Haemodialysers, Haemofilters and Haemoconcentrators/ Extracorporeal Blood Circuit for Haemodialysers, Haemofilters and Haemoconcentrators
  • DIN 58988 E:2008 Draft Document - Haemostaseology - Reference method for the VWF multimeres

RU-GOST R, parameters of the blood

  • GOST 4.317-1985 System of product-quality indices. Systems and sets for blood administration. Nomenclature of indices
  • GOST R 53470-2009 Blood and blood components. Management on application of components of donor blood

International Organization for Standardization (ISO), parameters of the blood

  • ISO 8638:1989 Extracorporeal blood circuit for haemodialysers, haemofilters and haemoconcentrators

未注明發布機構, parameters of the blood

  • DIN 58932-6 E:2021-02 Haematology - Determination of the concentration of blood corpuscles in blood - Part 6: Reference method for the determination of the concentration of CD4 positive lymphocytes

Professional Standard - Hygiene , parameters of the blood

Korean Agency for Technology and Standards (KATS), parameters of the blood

  • KS P ISO 8638:2012 Cardiovascular implants and extracorporeal systems -Extracorporeal blood circuit for haemodialysers, haemodiafilters and haemofilters

US-FCR, parameters of the blood

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