






desolventized water

desolventized water, Total:76 items.

In the international standard classification, desolventized water involves: Coatings and related processes used in aerospace industry, Products of the chemical industry, Paint ingredients, Paints and varnishes, Water quality, Materials for aerospace construction, Continuous handling equipment, Surface treatment and coating, Organic chemicals, Microbiology, Inks. Printing inks, Waxes, bituminous materials and other petroleum products, Adhesives, Sterilization and disinfection, Environmental protection, Analytical chemistry, Pesticides and other agrochemicals, Welding, brazing and soldering, Construction materials.

SCC, desolventized water

Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE), desolventized water

IPC - Association Connecting Electronics Industries, desolventized water

ZA-SANS, desolventized water

British Standards Institution (BSI), desolventized water

  • BS 3761:1995 Specification for solvent-based paint remover
  • BS ISO 25179:2018 Adhesives. Determination of the solubility of water-soluble or alkali-soluble pressure-sensitive adhesives

Group Standards of the People's Republic of China, desolventized water

United States Navy, desolventized water

Professional Standard - Light Industry, desolventized water

IN-BIS, desolventized water

  • IS 13643-1993 Test for corrosivity of solvent used for removal of water formed deposits
  • IS 12479-1988 Analytical methods for solvent systems used to remove water-forming deposits

American National Standards Institute (ANSI), desolventized water

  • ANSI/ASTM D1176:1998 Test Method for Sampling and Preparing Aqueous Solutions of Engine Coolants or Antirusts for Testing Purposes
  • ASTM D1722-09(2023) Standard Test Method for Water Miscibility of Water-Soluble Solvents

Defense Logistics Agency, desolventized water

European Committee for Standardization (CEN), desolventized water

  • EN ISO 23321:2020 Solvents for paints and varnishes - Demineralized water for industrial applications - Specification and test methods (ISO 23321:2019)

American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), desolventized water

  • ASTM D3263-82(1999)e1 Standard Test Methods for Corrosivity of Solvent Systems for Removing Water-Formed Deposits
  • ASTM D3263-03 Standard Test Methods for Corrosivity of Solvent Systems for Removing Water-Formed Deposits
  • ASTM D5402-06(2011) Standard Practice for Assessing the Solvent Resistance of Organic Coatings Using Solvent Rubs
  • ASTM D1722-98(2004) Standard Test Method for Water Miscibility of Water-Soluble Solvents
  • ASTM D1722-09(2017) Standard Test Method for Water Miscibility of Water-Soluble Solvents
  • ASTM D1722-09 Standard Test Method for Water Miscibility of Water-Soluble Solvents
  • ASTM D1722-98 Standard Test Method for Water Miscibility of Water-Soluble Solvents
  • ASTM D5402-06 Standard Practice for Assessing the Solvent Resistance of Organic Coatings Using Solvent Rubs

International Organization for Standardization (ISO), desolventized water

  • ISO 23321:2019 Solvents for paints and varnishes — Demineralized water for industrial applications — Specification and test methods
  • ISO 25179:2018 Adhesives - Determination of the solubility of water-soluble or alkali-soluble pressure-sensitive adhesives
  • ISO 25179:2010 Adhesives - Determination of the solubility of water-soluble or alkali-soluble pressure-sensitive adhesives

Canadian General Standards Board (CGSB), desolventized water

未注明發布機構, desolventized water

  • DIN EN ISO 23321 E:2020-08 Specification and test methods for industrial demineralized water from solvents used in paints and varnishes (draft)

Taiwan Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, desolventized water

CZ-CSN, desolventized water

AENOR, desolventized water

Professional Standard - Chemical Industry, desolventized water

  • HG/T 5117~5120-2016 Acetamiprid soluble powder, soluble solution, water dispersible granule and microemulsion (2016)

Professional Standard - Agriculture, desolventized water

Association Francaise de Normalisation, desolventized water

  • NF ISO 25179:2018 Adhesives - Determination of solubility of pressure sensitive, water or alkali soluble adhesives
  • NF T76-339:2010 Adhesives - Determination of the solubility of water-soluble or alkali-soluble pressure-sensitive adhesives.
  • NF T76-339*NF ISO 25179:2018 Adhesives - Determination of the solubility of water-soluble or alkali-soluble pressure-sensitive adhesives

Korean Agency for Technology and Standards (KATS), desolventized water

  • KS M ISO 25179:2014 Adhesives — Determination of the solubility of water-soluble or alkali-soluble pressure-sensitive adhesives
  • KS M ISO 25179-2019 Adhesives — Determination of the solubility of water-soluble or alkali-soluble pressure-sensitive adhesives
  • KS M ISO 25179-2014(2019) Adhesives — Determination of the solubility of water-soluble or alkali-soluble pressure-sensitive adhesives
  • KS M 2954-2007 Test methods of water-soluble flux for horizontal soldering
  • KS M 3726-2015 Adhesives-Determination of solubility of water or alkali soluble pressure sensitive adhesives

(U.S.) Ford Automotive Standards, desolventized water

U.S. Military Regulations and Norms, desolventized water

Professional Standard - Machinery, desolventized water

GM Europe, desolventized water

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