DEGeneral Absorption and Selective Absorption
General Absorption and Selective Absorption, Total:291 items.
In the international standard classification, General Absorption and Selective Absorption involves: Mathematics, Aids for disabled or handicapped persons, Plastics, Air quality, Protective equipment, Radiation measurements, Medical equipment, Protection of and in buildings, Products of the chemical industry, Water quality, Energy and heat transfer engineering in general, Analytical chemistry, Glass, Dentistry, Petroleum products in general, Telecommunications in general, Electronic tubes, Pharmaceutics, Environmental protection, Footwear, Installations in buildings, Refrigerating technology, Ventilators. Fans. Air-conditioners, Audio, video and audiovisual engineering, Radiocommunications, Construction materials, Equipment for the chemical industry, Road vehicles in general, Non-ferrous metals, Raw materials for rubber and plastics, Products of the textile industry, Paper products, Heat pumps, Electrical wires and cables, Sterilization and disinfection, Acoustics and acoustic measurements, Jewellery, Kitchen equipment, Laboratory medicine, Testing of metals, Cereals, pulses and derived products, Equipment for the paper industry.
ASHRAE - American Society of Heating@ Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers@ Inc., General Absorption and Selective Absorption
CU-NC, General Absorption and Selective Absorption
- NC 46-01-1984 Glass. Reclaimed Glass General Rules for the Selection, Recollection and Conservation
- NC 26-154-1986 Drugs. Iron Absorption. General Testing Method
- NC 40-86-1985 Textiles. Textiles Wastes. General Rules for Selection Recollection and Conservation
- NC 41-32-8-1985 Leather. Conglomerate Determination of Water Vapor Absorption and Desorption
- NC 30-60-1987 Plastics. PVC Resins for General Use. Determination of Hot Plasticizer Absorption
- NC 30-59-1987 Plastics. PVC Resins for General Use. Determination of Plasticizer Absorption at Room Temperature
- NC 26-114-1985 Veterinary Drugs. Tetanus Toxoid Adsorbed in Aluminum Hydroxide Quality Specifications
- NC 42-13-1987 Paper and Board Induatry. Deternlnation of Water Absorption. Cobb Method
- NC 57-87-1985 Human Hair. Rules for the Selection, Recollection and Conservation
Group Standards of the People's Republic of China, General Absorption and Selective Absorption
British Standards Institution (BSI), General Absorption and Selective Absorption
- BS ISO 15621:1999 Urine - absorbingaids — General guidance on evaluation
- BS PD ISO/TS 37137-1:2021 Biological evaluation of absorbable medical devices. General requirements
- PD ISO/TS 37137-1:2021 Biological evaluation of absorbable medical devices. General requirements
- BS EN ISO 7551:1997 Dental absorbent points
- BS ISO 4574:2019 Plastics. PVC resins for general use. Determination of hot plasticizer absorption
- BS ISO 4656:2012 Rubber compounding ingredients. Carbon black. Determination of oil absorption number (OAN) and oil absorption number of compressed sample (COAN)
- DD ENV 12625-8-2001 Tissue paper and tissue products. Water absorption time, water absorption capacity. Manual and automated test method
- BS EN 12309-1:2000 Gas-fired absorption and adsorption air-conditioning and/or heat pump appliances with a net heat input not exceeding 70 kW - Safety
- BS EN 12309-1:2014 Gas-fired sorption appliances for heating and/or cooling with a net heat input not exceeding 70 kW. Terms and definitions
Korean Agency for Technology and Standards (KATS), General Absorption and Selective Absorption
NL-NEN, General Absorption and Selective Absorption
- NPR 6450-1980 Water. General prescription of atomic absorption spectrometry
GSO, General Absorption and Selective Absorption
- GSO ISO 15621:2015 Urine-absorbing aids -- General guidelines on evaluation
- BH GSO ISO 15621:2017 Urine-absorbing aids -- General guidelines on evaluation
- OS GSO ISO 7551:2016 Dental absorbent points
- GSO ISO 7551:2016 Dental absorbent points
- BH GSO ISO 7551:2017 Dental absorbent points
- BH GSO ISO/TS 37137-1:2023 Biological evaluation of absorbable medical devices — Part 1: General requirements
- GSO ISO/TS 20721:2023 Implants for surgery — General guidelines and requirements for assessment of absorbable metallic implants
- BH GSO ISO/TS 20721:2023 Implants for surgery — General guidelines and requirements for assessment of absorbable metallic implants
- GSO ISO/TS 37137-1:2023 Biological evaluation of absorbable medical devices — Part 1: General requirements
- GSO ISO 7530-1:2013 Nickel alloys -- Flame atomic absorption spectrometric analysis -- Part 1: General requirements and sample dissolution
- OS GSO ISO 4574:2013 Plastics - PVC resins for general use - Determination of hot plasticizer absorption
- GSO ISO 4574:2013 Plastics - PVC resins for general use - Determination of hot plasticizer absorption
- BH GSO ISO 4574:2016 Plastics - PVC resins for general use - Determination of hot plasticizer absorption
- OS GSO ISO 17190-7:2016 Urine-absorbing aids for incontinence -- Test methods for characterizing polymer-based absorbent materials -- Part 7: Gravimetric determination of absorption under pressure
- BH GSO ISO 17190-7:2017 Urine-absorbing aids for incontinence -- Test methods for characterizing polymer-based absorbent materials -- Part 7: Gravimetric determination of absorption under pressure
- GSO ISO 17190-7:2016 Urine-absorbing aids for incontinence -- Test methods for characterizing polymer-based absorbent materials -- Part 7: Gravimetric determination of absorption under pressure
- OS GSO ISO 7530-1:2013 Nickel alloys -- Flame atomic absorption spectrometric analysis -- Part 1: General requirements and sample dissolution
Association Francaise de Normalisation, General Absorption and Selective Absorption
- NF ISO 22935-1:2009 Lait et produits laitiers - Analyse sensorielle - Partie 1 : recrutement, sélection, entra?nement et contr?le des sujets
- NF EN ISO 15621:2017 Incontinence Aids for Absorption of Urine and/or Feces - General Assessment Guidelines
- NF T01-041:1975 Atomic absorption spectroscopy. General approach to practice.
- NF S91-231*NF EN ISO 7551:1998 Dental absorbent points. .
- NF S96-205*NF EN ISO 15621:2017 Absorbent incontinence aids for urine and/or faeces - General guidelines on evaluation
- NF T51-783:1978 PVC resins for general applications . Determination of absorption of plasticizer in the hot state.
- NF T45-122*NF ISO 4656:2012 Rubber compounding ingredients - Carbon black - Determination of oil absorption number (OAN) and oil absorption number of compressed sample (COAN)
- NF T90-361:2022 Water quality - Determination of the absorbing power of universal absorbent materials - Water and hydrocarbon retention capacity
- FD CEN/TR 17310:2019 Carbonatation et absorption du CO2 dans le béton
- NF T90-360:1997 Testing water. Determination of absorbent power. Oil retention capacity.
General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People‘s Republic of China, General Absorption and Selective Absorption
- GB/T 21666-2008 Urine-absorbing aids.General guidance on evaluation
- GB/T 20255.6-2008 Methods for chemical analysis of hardmetals.Flame atomic absorption spectrometry.General requirements
- GB/T 23320-2009 Textiles.Determination of resistance to water absorption.Tumble-jar absorption test
US-American Society of Safety Engineers, General Absorption and Selective Absorption
American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), General Absorption and Selective Absorption
- ASTM D6196-15e1 Standard practice for selection of absorbents and extraction sampling/thermal desorption analysis procedures for airborne volatile organic compounds
- ASTM D6196-97 Standard Practice for Selection of Sorbents and Pumped Sampling/Thermal Desorption Analysis Procedures for Volatile Organic Compunds in Air
- ASTM E2232-02 Standard Guide for Selection and Use of Mathematical Methods for Calculating Absorbed Dose in Radiation Processing Applications
- ASTM D2008-12(2018) Standard Test Method for Ultraviolet Absorbance and Absorptivity of Petroleum Products
- ASTM E2232-20 Standard Guide for Selection and Use of Mathematical Methods for Calculating Absorbed Dose in Radiation Processing Applications
- ASTM F798-97 Standard Practice for Determining Gettering Rate, Sorption Capacity, and Gas Content of Nonevaporable Getters in the Molecular Flow Region
- ASTM F798-97(2002) Standard Practice for Determining Gettering Rate, Sorption Capacity, and Gas Content of Nonevaporable Getters in the Molecular Flow Region
- ASTM E2232-16 Standard Guide for Selection and Use of Mathematical Methods for Calculating Absorbed Dose in Radiation Processing Applications
- ASTM E2232-21 Standard Guide for Selection and Use of Mathematical Methods for Calculating Absorbed Dose in Radiation Processing Applications
- ASTM D2008-23 Standard Test Method for Ultraviolet Absorbance and Absorptivity of Petroleum Products
- ASTM D2008-91(1996)e1 Standard Test Method for Ultraviolet Absorbance and Absorptivity of Petroleum Products
- ASTM E2232-10 Standard Guide for Selection and Use of Mathematical Methods for Calculating Absorbed Dose in Radiation Processing Applications
- ASTM D2008-09 Standard Test Method for Ultraviolet Absorbance and Absorptivity of Petroleum Products
- ASTM D2008-85 Ultraviolet Absorbance and Absorptivity of Petroleum Products
- ASTM D2008-91(2001) Standard Test Method for Ultraviolet Absorbance and Absorptivity of Petroleum Products
- ASTM D2008-91(2006) Standard Test Method for Ultraviolet Absorbance and Absorptivity of Petroleum Products
- ASTM D2008-12 Standard Test Method for Ultraviolet Absorbance and Absorptivity of Petroleum Products
- ASTM F1983-14 Standard Practice for Assessment of Selected Tissue Effects of Absorbable Biomaterials for Implant Applications
- ASTM F716-09 Standard Test Methods for Sorbent Performance of Absorbents
- ASTM F716-82(2001) Standard Methods of Testing Sorbent Performance of Absorbents
- ASTM D2177-99(2003) Standard Test Method for Ink Absorption of Blotting Paper
- ASTM F716-82(1993)e1 Standard Methods of Testing Sorbent Performance of Absorbents
SCC, General Absorption and Selective Absorption
- ASSP Z359.13-2009 Personal Energy Absorbers and Energy Absorbing Lanyards
- CAN/CSA Z94.4-2002(R2007) Update No. 1: Selection, Use, and Care of Respirators
- DANSK DS/ISO 15621:2011 Urine-absorbing aids – General guidelines on evaluation
- CAN/CSA-Z94.4-2002(R2007) Selection, Use, and Care of Respirators
- CSA Z94.4-M1982-1982 Selection, Care, and Use of Respirators
- CAN/CSA Z94.4-1993(R1997) Selection, Use, and Care of Respirators
- 09/30197034 DC BS ISO 15621. Urine-absorbing aids. General guidance on evaluation
- CSA Z94.4-1993 Selection, maintenance and use of respirators
- CAN/CSA Z94.4-2018(R2023) Selection, use, and care of respirators
- DANSK DS/EN ISO 7551:1998 Dental absorbent points
- DIN EN ISO 15621 E:2016 Draft Document - Urine-absorbing aids - General guidelines on evaluation (ISO/DIS 15621:2016); German and English version prEN ISO 15621:2016
- CAN/CSA-Z94.4-2002(C2007) Choix, utilisation et entretien des respirateurs
- ADA 73-2008 Dental Absorbent Points
- ASSP Z359.13-2013(R2022) Personal Energy Absorbers and Energy Absorbing Lanyards (Formerly ASSE Z359.13-2013)
- CSA Z259.11-2005(R2015) Energy Absorbers and Lanyards
- VDI 2310 BLATT 29-2000 Maximum emission values — Maximum emission values for thallium to protect farm animals
- CSA Z259.11-2005(R2010) Energy Absorbers and Lanyards
- VDI 2310 BLATT 28-2008 Maximum emission values — Maximum emission values for cadmium to protect farm animals
- DANSK DS/ISO/TS 20721:2020 Implants for surgery – General guidelines and requirements for assessment of absorbable metallic implants
- VDI 3794 BLATT 2-2013 Determination of immission rates — Determination of the immission rate of ammonia and ammonium compounds using the IRMA method
- VDI 2310 BLATT 26-2001 Maximum emission values — Maximum emission values for fluorides to protect farm animals
- DANSK DS/ISO/TS 37137-1:2021 Biological evaluation of absorbable medical devices – Part 1: General requirements
- BS 2782-5 METHOD 502 TO 504:1958 Methods of testing plastics. Methods 502, 503 and 504 water absorption and water soluble matter, boiling water absorption and water vapour absorption
- AENOR UNE-EN ISO 15621:2018 Absorbent products for urinary and fecal incontinence. General evaluation guidelines. (ISO 15621:2017).
- DANSK DS/ISO 17190-7:2020 Urine-absorbing aids for incontinence – Polyacrylate superabsorbent powders – Part 7: Test method for gravimetric determination of absorption against pressure
- BS 4275:1968 The selection and maintenance of respiratory protective equipment
- NS 4770:1994 Water analysis - Determination of metals by atomic absorption spectrophotometry, atomization in flame - General principles and guidelines
- DANSK DS/ISO 7551:2023 Dentistry – Endodontic absorbent points
- AWWA ACE90064 Technical and Economic Considerations in Choosing Among Stripping, Stripping With Gas-Phase Adsorption, and Liquid-Phase Adsorption
- ULC ORD-C410A-1994 Absorbents for Flammable and Combustible Liquids
- CSA Z259.11-2017(R2021) Personal Energy Absorbers and Lanyards
- NS-EN ISO 7551:1998 Dental absorbent points (ISO 7551:1996)
- AENOR UNE-EN 12746:2001 Footwear. Test methods for insoles and insoles. Absorption and desorption of water.
American National Standards Institute (ANSI), General Absorption and Selective Absorption
- ANSI/ASSE Z359.13-2013 Personal Energy Absorbers and Energy Absorbing Lanyards
- ANSI/ASTM E2232:2010 Guide for Selection and Use of Mathematical Methods for Calculating Absorbed Dose in Radiation Processing Applications
- ANSI/ASTM E2232:2016 Standard Guide for Selection and Use of Mathematical Methods for Calculating Absorbed Dose in Radiation Processing Applications
- ANSI/ADA 73-2008 Dental Absorbent Points
Danish Standards Foundation, General Absorption and Selective Absorption
- DS/ISO 15621:2011 Urine-absorbing aids - General guidelines on evaluation
- DS/EN ISO 7551:1999 Dental absorbent points
- DS/EN ISO 16021:2001 Urine-absorbing aids - Basic principles for evaluation of single-use adult-incontinence-absorbing aids from the perspective of users and caregivers
BE-NBN, General Absorption and Selective Absorption
International Organization for Standardization (ISO), General Absorption and Selective Absorption
- ISO 4574:2019 Plastics — PVC resins for general use — Determination of hot plasticizer absorption
- ISO/TS 37137-1:2021 Biological evaluation of absorbable medical devices — Part 1: General requirements
- ISO 7551 Dentistry — Endodontic absorbent points
- ISO 7551:2023 Dentistry — Endodontic absorbent points
- ISO 4274:1977 Urea for industrial use; Determination of biuret content; Flame atomic absorption and photometric absorption methods
- ISO/TS 16975-4:2022 Respiratory protective devices — Selection, use and maintenance — Part 4: Selection and usage guideline for respiratory protective devices under pandemic/epidemic/outbreak of infectious respiratory di
- ISO 15621:2011 Urine-absorbing aids - General guidelines on evaluation
German Institute for Standardization, General Absorption and Selective Absorption
- DIN EN ISO 11654:1997 Acoustics - Sound absorbers for use in buildings - Rating of sound absorption (ISO 11654:1997); German version EN ISO 11654:1997
- DIN EN ISO 7551:1998 Dental absorbent points (ISO 7551:1996); German version EN ISO 7551:1998
- DIN EN ISO 15621:2017-09 Absorbent incontinence aids for urine and/or faeces - General guidelines on evaluation (ISO 15621:2017); German version EN ISO 15621:2017
South African Bureau of Standard, General Absorption and Selective Absorption
PL-PKN, General Absorption and Selective Absorption
- PN E05012-1989 Electrical e?uipment Selection and instalation of electric motors General requirements and technical acceptance
- PN C60018-1963 Acid-resis?ant stoneware Absorption towers
- PN Z02000-1970 Round thread ?or brea?hing maikt
Canadian Standards Association (CSA), General Absorption and Selective Absorption
American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE), General Absorption and Selective Absorption
- ASHRAE AN-04-7-4-2004 Ammonia-Water Absorption Heat and Mass Transfer in Microchannel Absorbers with Visual Confirmation
SE-SIS, General Absorption and Selective Absorption
- SIS SS 87 22 02-1984 Incontinence aids of absorbing type - Determination of liquid absorption and retention capacity of absorbent material
RU-GOST R, General Absorption and Selective Absorption
KR-KS, General Absorption and Selective Absorption
RO-ASRO, General Absorption and Selective Absorption
- STAS SR 13351-1996 Salubrity of communities Urban and rurals waste General prescriptions of selective collectiving
- STAS 7184/18-1980 SOILS Determinat ion of potassium content accessible and hard accessible for plants
- STAS 8994/1-1977 ARTIFICIAL LEATHER Determination of water vapour permeability, absorption and desorption
- STAS 6528-1975 PRINT IN G PAPER AND BOARD Determination of printing ink absorption
International Telecommunication Union (ITU), General Absorption and Selective Absorption
- ITU-R SM.332-1978 Selectivity of receivers
- ITU-T D.50 AMD 1-2004 General tariff principles ?Principles applicable to GII-Internet New Appendix I ?General considerations for charging criteria and options for International Internet connectivity SERIES D: GENERAL TARIFF PRINCIPLES Amendment 1:
Indonesia Standards, General Absorption and Selective Absorption
Military Standards (MIL-STD), General Absorption and Selective Absorption
VDI - Verein Deutscher Ingenieure, General Absorption and Selective Absorption
- VDI 2310 Blatt 29-1998 Maximum immission values - Maximum immission values for thallium to protect farm animals
- VDI 2310 Blatt 28-1996 Maximum immission values - Maximum cadmium intake values for the protection of livestock
- VDI 3794 Blatt 2-2011 Determination of depositon fluxes of ambient air pollutants - Determination of the deposition flux of ammonia and ammonium compounds by means of the IRMA-method
- VDI 2310 Blatt 26-1999 Maximum immission values - Maximum immission values for fluorides to protect farm animals
- VDI 2044-1966 Acceptance and performance tests on ventilators (VDI ventilator rule)
- VDI 3675-1981 Abgasreinigung durch Absorption
Professional Standard - Electron, General Absorption and Selective Absorption
- SJ 20155-1992 General specification for radio frequency radiation absorber(microwave absorbing material)
European Committee for Standardization (CEN), General Absorption and Selective Absorption
- prEN ISO 15621 rev Absorbent incontinence aids for urine and/or faeces - General guidelines on evaluation
- EN ISO 11654:1997 Acoustics - Sound Absorbers for Use in Buildings - Rating of Sound Absorption ISO 11654: 1997
- EN ISO 15621:2017 Absorbent incontinence aids for urine and/or faeces - General guidelines on evaluation
CZ-CSN, General Absorption and Selective Absorption
International Code Council, General Absorption and Selective Absorption
CL-INN, General Absorption and Selective Absorption
Japanese Industrial Standards Committee (JISC), General Absorption and Selective Absorption
GM Europe, General Absorption and Selective Absorption
國家市場監督管理總局、中國國家標準化管理委員會, General Absorption and Selective Absorption
GM North America, General Absorption and Selective Absorption
GM Daewoo, General Absorption and Selective Absorption
Professional Standard - Chemical Industry, General Absorption and Selective Absorption
Standard Association of Australia (SAA), General Absorption and Selective Absorption
- AS 2839:1988 Colour television receivers - General requirements and selected performance parameters - Limits and methods of measurement
- AS 1715:1991 Selection, use and maintenance of respiratory protective devices
- AS 1715:1982 Selection, use and maintenance of respiratory protective devices
- AS 2134.1:1988 Recommended practice for chemical analysis by atomic absorption spectrometry - Flame atomic absorption spectrometry
Building Officials and Code Administrators International(U.S.), General Absorption and Selective Absorption
TR-TSE, General Absorption and Selective Absorption
Spanish Association for Standardization (UNE), General Absorption and Selective Absorption
Professional Standard - Agriculture, General Absorption and Selective Absorption
United States Navy, General Absorption and Selective Absorption
YU-JUS, General Absorption and Selective Absorption
中華人民共和國國家質量監督檢驗檢疫總局、中國國家標準化管理委員會, General Absorption and Selective Absorption
Australian/New Zealand Standard (AU-AS/NZS), General Absorption and Selective Absorption
International Truck and Engine Corporation (ITEC), General Absorption and Selective Absorption
DIN, General Absorption and Selective Absorption
- DIN 13222:2022 Absorption capacity of absorbent incontinence aids until leakage - Test method for measuring the suction capacity by use of a test torso
NZS, General Absorption and Selective Absorption
- SA/SNZ TS ISO 16975.4:2024 Respiratory protective devices – Selection, use and maintenance, Part 4: Selection and usage guideline for respiratory protective devices under pandemic/epidemic/outbreak of infectious respiratory disease.
US-FCR, General Absorption and Selective Absorption
GOSTR, General Absorption and Selective Absorption
Professional Standard - Light Industry, General Absorption and Selective Absorption
GOST, General Absorption and Selective Absorption
U.S. Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute (US-AHRI), General Absorption and Selective Absorption
- AHRI 560-2000 Absorption Water Chilling And Water Heating Packages
VN-TCVN, General Absorption and Selective Absorption
Professional Standard - Education, General Absorption and Selective Absorption
- JY 0201-1991 A set for producing absorption spectrum of sodium
Professional Standard - Medicine, General Absorption and Selective Absorption
國家藥監局, General Absorption and Selective Absorption
PT-IPQ, General Absorption and Selective Absorption
International Federation of Trucks and Engines, General Absorption and Selective Absorption
Professional Standard - Hygiene , General Absorption and Selective Absorption
- WS/T 27-1996 Urine.Separate Determination of organic,inorganic and total mercury.Selective reduction cold atomic absorption spectrometric method
NO-SN, General Absorption and Selective Absorption
- NS 4770-1994 Water analysis. Determination of metals by atomic absorption spectrometry, atomization in flame. General principles and guidelines
CEN - European Committee for Standardization, General Absorption and Selective Absorption