DEAbnormal water flow detection
Abnormal water flow detection, Total:22 items.
In the international standard classification, Abnormal water flow detection involves: Quality, Applications of information technology, Petroleum products in general, Farming and forestry, Products of the textile industry, Medical equipment, Protection of and in buildings.
SCC, Abnormal water flow detection
- AWWA WQTC65781 Evaluation of Tools to Detect Distribution System Water Quality Anomalies
- BS 2690-119:1981 Methods of testing water used in industry-Odour
Professional Standard - Post and Telecommunication, Abnormal water flow detection
- YD/T 2668-2013 Technical requirements for detection and control of abnormal traffic in telecommunication networks
Aeronautical Radio Inc., Abnormal water flow detection
ASHRAE - American Society of Heating@ Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers@ Inc., Abnormal water flow detection
American National Standards Institute (ANSI), Abnormal water flow detection
Professional Standard - Public Safety Standards, Abnormal water flow detection
- GA/T 1713-2020 Information Security Technology Abnormal Traffic Detection and Cleaning Product Safety Technical Requirements
- GA/T 1714-2020 Information Security Technology Abnormal Traffic Detection and Cleaning Product Safety Technical Requirements
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA), Abnormal water flow detection
AIAA - American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Abnormal water flow detection
Professional Standard - Agriculture, Abnormal water flow detection
- 1819藥典 一部-2010 Appendix XIII E Abnormal Toxicity Test Method
- 138藥典 四部-2020 1100 biological test method 1141 abnormal toxicity test method
- 2372藥典 二部-2010 Appendix Ⅺ C Abnormal toxicity test method
- 270藥典 三部-2020 Microbiological Test Method 1141 Abnormal Toxicity Test Method
- 150藥典 四部-2015 1100 biological test method 1141 abnormal toxicity test method
- 278藥典 三部-2010 Appendix Ⅻ ⅫF Abnormal toxicity test method
British Standards Institution (BSI), Abnormal water flow detection
Group Standards of the People's Republic of China, Abnormal water flow detection
- T/DYZL 032-2023 Dongying City Product Oil Quality Traceability Management Platform Inspection and Detection Abnormal Data Analysis and Disposal Specification
國家質量監督檢驗檢疫總局, Abnormal water flow detection
- SN/T 4727-2016 Methods for quarantine and identification of abnormal pearl nematodes
Korean Agency for Technology and Standards (KATS), Abnormal water flow detection
- KS K 0750-2006 Test method for the detection and assessment of photochromism
中華人民共和國國家質量監督檢驗檢疫總局、中國國家標準化管理委員會, Abnormal water flow detection
- GB/T 35533-2017 General technical requirement for chromosomal abnormality detection microarray
Professional Standard - Earthquake, Abnormal water flow detection
- DB/T 70-2018 Seismic Observation Abnormal Site Verification Report Compilation of Subsurface Fluids