






Based on water flow detection

Based on water flow detection, Total:68 items.

In the international standard classification, Based on water flow detection involves: Non-destructive testing, Testing of metals, Welding, brazing and soldering, Wastes, Farming and forestry, Veterinary medicine, Astronomy. Geodesy. Geography, Measurement of fluid flow, Construction of ropeways, Company organization and management, Fluid storage devices, Water quality, Services, Civil engineering in general, Construction materials, Bridge construction, Biology. Botany. Zoology, Tea. Coffee. Cocoa, Telecommunication systems, Shipbuilding and marine structures in general, Earthworks. Excavations. Foundation construction. Underground works.

Professional Standard - Machinery, Based on water flow detection

  • JB/T 10658-2006 Non-destructive testing Eddy current testing of welds by complex plane analysis

Group Standards of the People's Republic of China, Based on water flow detection

  • T/DYZL 034-2023 Nondestructive testing - examination of welds using the alternating current field measurement technique
  • T/SZS 4071-2023 Technical specification for disease detection of urban drainage network based on capsule robot
  • T/CNEA 103.6-2021 PWR pressure boundary components—Non-destructive testing— Part6:Eddy current testing
  • T/ZJNJ 0020-2023 Technical specification for crop phenotyping in rice breeding with unmanned aerial vehicle low-altitude remote sensing
  • T/CAS 508-2021 AOC test method based on flow cytometer
  • T/ZJATA 0018-2023 Detection of transgenic sequences in rice— High-throughput whole genome sequencing method
  • T/CAPE 11004-2023 Guidelines for preventive detection and fault diagnosis of broken rotor bars of three-phase asynchronous squirrel-cage motors based on current spectrum detection technology

General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People‘s Republic of China, Based on water flow detection

  • GB/T 26954-2011 Non-destructive testing of welds.Eddy current testing of welds by complex-plane analysis
  • GB/T 26954-2024 Non-destructive testing of welds Eddy current testing of welds based on complex plane analysis
  • GB/T 27537-2011 Animal influenza detection.Protocol of DNA microarray examination for influenza A virus subtypes

HU-MSZT, Based on water flow detection

Heilongjiang Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, Based on water flow detection

  • DB23/T 2928-2021 Method guide for basin water environment monitoring based on water ecological function zoning
  • DB23/T 2929-2021 Guidelines for Basin Water Environment Assessment Based on Water Ecological Function Zoning

ASHRAE - American Society of Heating@ Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers@ Inc., Based on water flow detection

SCC, Based on water flow detection

  • AWWA ACE92144 A Fundamental Basis for Use of the Streaming Current Detector
  • AWWA WQTC71413 Development of an Easy-to-Use Medium for Detecting Coliphages in Water
  • AWWA WSC70056 Simulation-Based Data Fusion for Real-Time Threat Detection in Municipal Drinking Water and Wastewater Systems
  • AWWA MTC57610 A Novel RO Membrane Technique Based on Taylor-Couette Flow for Scale Control in Water Desalination
  • AWWA JAW26054 Journal AWWA — Using Streaming Current Detectors in Water Treatment
  • AWWA IMTECH57899 Web-Based Access to Flow Information for a Wastewater Collection System
  • AS 4544.1:1999 Non-destructive testing - Eddy current testing for the detection of surface flaws - In non-ferromagnetic metallic products
  • BS PD ISO/TS 24522:2019 Event detection process: Guidelines for water and wastewater utilities
  • BS ISO/TS 15769:2000 Hydrometric determination. Liquid flow in open channels and partly filled pipes. Guidelines for the application of Doppler-based flow measurements
  • DANSK DS/EN ISO 4375:2014 Hydrometry - Cableway systems for stream gauging

國家質量監督檢驗檢疫總局, Based on water flow detection

  • SN/T 4864-2017 Microfluidic chip detection method for genetically modified corn detection

European Committee for Standardization (CEN), Based on water flow detection

  • EN ISO 4375:2014 Hydrometry - Cableway systems for stream gauging (ISO 4375:2014)

International Organization for Standardization (ISO), Based on water flow detection

  • ISO 4375:2000 Hydrometric determinations - Cableway system for stream gauging
  • ISO 4375:2014 Hydrometry - Cableway systems for stream gauging
  • ISO 4375:1979 Measurement of liquid flow in open channels; Cableway system for stream gauging

EEMUA - Engineering Equipment and Materials Users Association, Based on water flow detection

  • PUB NO 206-2006 Risk Based Inspection A Guide to Effective Use of the RBI Process

CEN - European Committee for Standardization, Based on water flow detection

  • EN ISO 4375:2004 Hydrometric determinations - Cableway systems for stream gauging
  • EN ISO 11732:1997 Water Quality - Determination of Ammonium Nitrogen by Flow Analysis (CFA and FIA) and Spectrometric Detection

Association Francaise de Normalisation, Based on water flow detection

Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE), Based on water flow detection

Indonesia Standards, Based on water flow detection

  • SNI ISO/TS 11774:2013 Non-destructive testing - Performance based qualification
  • SNI 3414-2008 Based on water flow combined with depth. Procedure for sampling river floating sediments
  • SNI 03-6453-2000 Test methods for water permeability of foundation soil layer by pumping up in site

未注明發布機構, Based on water flow detection

  • SAE AS4792C-2024 Water Conditioning Agents for Aqueous Magnetic Particle Inspection

Professional Standard - Energy, Based on water flow detection

  • NB/T 20610-2021 Measurement of sludge height on secondary side of steam generator tube sheet in nuclear power plant based on eddy current detection technology

Shaanxi Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, Based on water flow detection

  • DB61/T 1163-2018 Eddy current inspection rules for in-service artificial crystal kettles

GSO, Based on water flow detection

British Standards Institution (BSI), Based on water flow detection

  • PD ISO/TS 24522:2019 Event detection process: Guidelines for water and wastewater utilities
  • BS ISO 21195:2020 Ships and marine technology. Systems for the detection of persons while going overboard from ships (man overboard detection)

Korean Agency for Technology and Standards (KATS), Based on water flow detection

  • KS B ISO TS 15769-2020 Hydrometric determinations — Liquid flow in open channels and partly filled pipes — Guidelines for the application of Doppler-based flow measurements

Jiangxi Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, Based on water flow detection

  • DB36/T 1498-2021 Technical specification for bridge inspection based on vibration test method

國家能源局, Based on water flow detection

  • SY/T 6714-2020 Risk-based inspection methods for oil and gas pipelines

能源部, Based on water flow detection

  • SY/T 5567-1993 Maintenance specifications for small diameter flow water content tester

SAE - SAE International, Based on water flow detection


German Institute for Standardization, Based on water flow detection

  • DIN EN ISO 11732:2005 Water quality - Determination of ammonium nitrogen - Method by flow analysis (CFA and FIA) and spectrometric detection (ISO 11732:2005); German version EN ISO 11732:2005

DIN, Based on water flow detection

  • DIN EN 12084:2001 Non-destructive testing - Eddy current testing - General principles and basic guidelines; English version of DIN EN 12084

National Metrological Verification Regulations of the People's Republic of China, Based on water flow detection

工業和信息化部, Based on water flow detection

  • YD/T 2931-2015 The technology of deep packet inspection system based on separation architecture requires independent traffic collection equipment

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