






Phosphorus in Vegetable Oils

Phosphorus in Vegetable Oils, Total:46 items.

In the international standard classification, Phosphorus in Vegetable Oils involves: Edible oils and fats. Oilseeds, Farming and forestry, Food products in general, Analytical chemistry, General methods of tests and analysis for food products.

未注明發布機構, Phosphorus in Vegetable Oils

Professional Standard - Commodity Inspection, Phosphorus in Vegetable Oils

  • SN/T 0801.2-1999 Animal and vegetable oils and fats for import and export.Method for the determination of phosphorous
  • SN/T 0801.16-1999 Animal and vegetable oils and fats for import and export.Method for the determination of phosphoric acid test value

RU-GOST R, Phosphorus in Vegetable Oils

  • GOST R 52676-2006 Vegetable oils. Methods for determination of phosphorated substances
  • GOST 31753-2012 Vegetable oils. Methods for determination of phosphorated substances
  • GOST 7824-1980 Vegetable oils. Methods for determination of phosphorated substances content

Professional Standard - Agriculture, Phosphorus in Vegetable Oils

PL-PKN, Phosphorus in Vegetable Oils

  • PN A86930-1988 Eatable vegctable fars Determination of the phosphorus content

SCC, Phosphorus in Vegetable Oils

  • DIN EN ISO 11701 E:2009 Draft Document - Animal and vegetable fats and oils - Determination of phospholipids in vegetable lecithins by HPLC using a light scattering detector (ISO/DIS 11701:2008); German version prEN ISO 11701:2008
  • DANSK DS/ISO 17780:2015 Animal and vegetable fats and oils - Determination of aliphatic hydrocarbons in vegetable oils
  • NS-EN ISO 11701:2009 Vegetable fats and oils — Determination of phospholipids content in lecithins by HPLC using a light-scattering detector (ISO 11701:2009)
  • DANSK DS/EN ISO 11701:2010 Vegetable fats and oils - Determination of phospholipids content in lecithins by HPLC using a light-scattering detector
  • BS PD ISO/TS 16465:2024 Animal and vegetable fats and oils. Determination of phthalates in vegetable oils

Danish Standards Foundation, Phosphorus in Vegetable Oils

  • DS/EN ISO 11701:2010 Vegetable fats and oils - Determination of phospholipids content in lecithins by HPLC using a light-scattering detector

British Standards Institution (BSI), Phosphorus in Vegetable Oils

  • BS ISO 17780:2015 Animal and vegetable fats and oils. Determination of aliphatic hydrocarbons in vegetable oils
  • PD ISO/TS 16465:2024 Animal and vegetable fats and oils. Determination of phthalates in vegetable oils

GSO, Phosphorus in Vegetable Oils

  • GSO ISO 17780:2021 Animal and vegetable fats and oils — Determination of aliphatic hydrocarbons in vegetable oils
  • BH GSO ISO 17780:2022 Animal and vegetable fats and oils — Determination of aliphatic hydrocarbons in vegetable oils
  • OS GSO ISO 11701:2015 Vegetable fats and oils -- Determination of phospholipids content in lecithins by HPLC using a light-scattering detector
  • BH GSO ISO 11701:2017 Vegetable fats and oils -- Determination of phospholipids content in lecithins by HPLC using a light-scattering detector
  • GSO ISO 11701:2015 Vegetable fats and oils -- Determination of phospholipids content in lecithins by HPLC using a light-scattering detector
  • GSO ISO 10540-1:2014 Animal and vegetable fats and oils -- Determination of phosphorus content -- Part 1: Colorimetric method

General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People‘s Republic of China, Phosphorus in Vegetable Oils

International Organization for Standardization (ISO), Phosphorus in Vegetable Oils

  • ISO 17780:2015 Animal and vegetable fats and oils - Determination of aliphatic hydrocarbons in vegetable oils
  • ISO 11701:2009 Vegetable fats and oils - Determination of phospholipids content in lecithins by HPLC using a light-scattering detector

RO-ASRO, Phosphorus in Vegetable Oils

German Institute for Standardization, Phosphorus in Vegetable Oils

  • DIN EN ISO 11701:2010-04 Vegetable fats and oils - Determination of phospholipids content in lecithins by HPLC using a light-scattering detector (ISO 11701:2009); German version EN ISO 11701:2009

Association Francaise de Normalisation, Phosphorus in Vegetable Oils

NL-NEN, Phosphorus in Vegetable Oils

  • NEN 6349-1991 Vegetable and animal oils and fats - Determination of phosphorus content Spectrometric method

Hunan Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, Phosphorus in Vegetable Oils

  • DB43/T 2139-2021 Determination of Nitrogen and Phosphorus in Plants by Continuous Flow Analysis

AENOR, Phosphorus in Vegetable Oils

  • UNE-EN ISO 11701:2010 Vegetable fats and oils - Determination of phospholipids content in lecithins by HPLC using a light-scattering detector (ISO 11701:2009)

CZ-CSN, Phosphorus in Vegetable Oils

  • CSN 65 6253-1963 DetermínatiotQ of phosphorus in minerál ils (Photometric molybdivanado method)

Lithuanian Standards Office , Phosphorus in Vegetable Oils

  • LST EN ISO 11701:2010 Vegetable fats and oils - Determination of phospholipids content in lecithins by HPLC using a light-scattering detector (ISO 11701:2009)

HU-MSZT, Phosphorus in Vegetable Oils

TR-TSE, Phosphorus in Vegetable Oils

International Truck and Engine Corporation (ITEC), Phosphorus in Vegetable Oils

Professional Standard - Grain, Phosphorus in Vegetable Oils

  • LS/T 3249-2017 The grain and oil products of China.Edible vegetable oil

International Federation of Trucks and Engines, Phosphorus in Vegetable Oils

國家質量監督檢驗檢疫總局, Phosphorus in Vegetable Oils

  • SN/T 0151-2016 Determination of ethion residues in exported plant-source foods

VE-FONDONORMA, Phosphorus in Vegetable Oils

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